Jan 04, 2010 23:59
done done DONE!
...and i probably won't even take either of the classes I went to today hah.
Woke up at 6:30 to get ready and go to the 8am Readings in Modern Japanese literature class(that i'm not enrolled in). I was thinking of taking it...but now that I think that I can get away with only having class 3 days a week instead of 4, (and not have such an early class) I probably won't take it. It doesn't seem too bad. There's only about 100 pages or so altogether of text to read (in japanese) ...which seems better than the 10+ pages per day for the advanced readings class I dropped last quarter heh. Lippit is nice, but jeez does he like his early classes =-='
After that class was over at 9:15 (and I got grilled, because he wanted me to read/translate a sentence and I couldn't read all the characters...) I went to the library to bum until 11 when my 2nd class (that i'm actually enrolled in) started. It's a Korean cinema class, it seems interesting and not too horribly difficult, but I still don't think i'm going to take it (for reasons stated above). We actually ended up watching the first movie of the class Madam Freedom (Chayu puin). It was an interesting movie, but so odd with all of the extramarital relationships going on >.o'
Mabel and I had sat in the back, and it's not an auditorium class so we spent the class weaving back and forth in our seats trying to read the subtitles ><'
After class ended at 1:15 I had to rush back because I have kitchen duty at 2. Luckily, i got back early enough to get lunch (...not that it was very good...) and to pay rent. Speaking of rent they STILL haven't refunded our fin aid yet, i can't buy books until i get it! (my rent came from christmas money). grrr
Anyways, went to kitchen duty where there was seriously NO ONE -_-' It was so dead and...I ended up washing dishes by myself for the shift.
After shift was over i wanted to go back up to my room and change before eating, and ran into the new roomie! ...which is sad because Joanna's friend was supposed to move in...and left all her stuff here, but didn't come early enough, so I was a bit suprised by the new random person.
She seems nice enough (I forgot her name already D; ). She's from Mexico and she's a Korean major! We went to dinner and talked a bit, but she's been in and out of the room since, and Jo left for a while so she still hasn't met her yet.
Anyways, tomorrow I have 4 new classes to go to, and if all goes well I'll take those four, and only have 3 days of class! woot woot :D
I also changed my work schedule from Mon at 2-6pm to Wed from 4-8 (even though I want 2-6) so that I can skip coming on Mondays at all (if things go as planned). I'm also going to keep checking and seeing if a 2-6 Wed spot opens up *crosses fingers* :D
and now... I should be working on responses for that Korean class (...even though i'm PROBABLY not going to take it, it's better to do it than end up taking the class and lose points heh)
first day,