Nov 23, 2009 21:53
So...Friday was special >.o'
Prof. Marra came in pissed as hell because the Asian Languages and Cultures Dept. is now closed and on furlough on Wed. It's sad we're getting furloughs, and are still having our fees increased =/
Someone asked Marra what he was doing for Thanksgiving, and he said something about maybe reading some books, and trying not to kill himself. eep. >.>'
In my poetry class, we had 7 people doing 20 minute presentations (thus, i figured we'd be out of our 3hr class early). The first person did Gackt's Miserable! (and prof seemed to like it :D)
The next couple of people went ok, but the 4th person, did some weird assed poem ("This is a day for Coelacanth" or something). Marra was kind of quiet for that one, but the guy managed to get through his presentation well enough.
And then...5th guy came up. omg. Marra wants us to analyses the poems (potential meanings, allusions, blah blah blah). But this guy had a Haikai (some linked poem i guess?) and started talking about HOW the poems are rated (bwuh?) So, prof got agitated and said, he had run out of patience for that, so to just get to the poem. So the guy did. Line by line. And he wasn't really Hanalysing it? He only got through 4 or so lines of the poem before the prof stopped him (and...he had at least another 15 to go oi). Marra told him to stop his presentation and sit down because he wasn't really doing what he was supposed to do, and because he "doesn't have time to waste on such uninteresting things" because life is too short. ...and then he kept repeating that to himself just looking so sad, he was gripping his wig so tightly I almost thought he was going to rip it off and throw it on the ground or something.
He looked like he was either going to cry or start screaming in a rage D:
...luckily one of my classmates asked him a question, that got him to perk up and babble on more happily 8D
i felt bad for the next presenter. Marra still looked so agitated we were all afraid he was going to start in on her too, even though he seemed to enjoy her poem D:
oi. scary. I can now say i've seen someone bored to tears (or rage, take your pick)
After class, I came back to my room to wait for my mom to pick me up around 9:15. Went home, and Kevin came and got me and we got some tea from Cha for tea before bumming at his house for a while.
Saturday, we got foods at Noodle City! Their cornish hen is so nummy *g* After eating lunch we went to Target where I got a camera case for my new camera (I got a black/purple samsung tl225, it's the one that has an lcd screen on the front of the camera too! It's quite spiffy, i like it =D ). After that, we went back to Kevin's house until around 7 when we met up with Michael at some restaurant called Aunt Liangs. Their food was pretty nummy too! Michael was too tired to join us, but we ended up going to Lyn's house for a bit to play a bit of Bandhero with Lyn and Barb :D
Sunday, Kevin and I went to Kang Kang for some foods, and then just bummed at his house until it was time to head to this place called Carney's on Sunset. It's a burger joint set up in a railroad car! We met up with Camilla and Molly and had some nummy foods and caught up with each other a bit before walking over to House of Blues. It was already past 7, so there wasn't a line to get into the venue. We ended up on the 2nd floor (probably for the best). The view wasn't as good as when we went to see GLAY, but good enough i guess. :)
Kevin and Molly staked out our spots, and Camilla and I ran down to the long assed merch booth. I ended up getting another copy of Uroboros (this one came with a dvd this time) so that I could do the meet and greet thing, and also got two new shirts 8D.
We scrambled back up to our spots and waited till 8:30 when they finally started :D
They came out and immediately started rocking. And the back of the mob down below, there was a sizable mosh area forming D; There were also a LOT of crowd surfers (from the mosh area naturally >.>' )
...and fyi, moshing and crowd surfing in a yellow hoodie with floppy ears? makes you look stupid -.-'
The crowd surfers would move towards the front and then the security guy would go over, and rip them down and shove them back into the crowd hah. Kind of entertaining to watch really...unless you're the guy that I saw get kicked in the head, or the surfer who got dropped on his head.
...and came up looking happy as a clam. I'm thinking he's been dropped a few too many times heh >.>' Molly also said she saw a girl get knocked out while in the mosh. Oi. >.o'
At one point, Kyo did his whole chanting thing, and cradled his left arm while flailing it around violently, almost flaying himself with it? ...interesting heh.
After an hour the band pretty abuptly left the stage, and the crowd started chanting...but half were saying Dir en Grey! and the other half were saying ANKORE! (encore!) lol! The band came back out in a couple of minutes and started playing again. And, they played AKURO NO OKA OMG! The nostalgia of hearing an old song <3 (not that I dont enjoy their new stuff too, but it's nice to hear some old stuff like that and Obscure too you know? :] ).
Eventually they were done, and threw sticks and picks and sprayed tons of waterbottles onto the crowd (...I saw at least 3 people have to get pulled out of the crowd because they were becoming faint, so I guess the band tried to cool everyone down haha). Toshiya also doused a group of people in Heineken...I wonder how legal that is lol!
After they left the stage, we ran down to join the mob below for signings. It eventually turned into some sort of line, but that took forever. And, the security kept. checking. for merch. Kevin didn't have anything, and got caught trying to use my booklet, so he got kicked outside D;
The rest of us stayed together and finally made our way upstairs and got handshakes and our CDs signed by the band :D ...Kyo has a really strong handshake, it actually kind of hurt a bit >.o' (but they all had firm shakes, not the normal limp fish ones heh).
After we got through the line, we walked outside and ran into Natz whom we said hi to before meeting up with Kevin and walking back to the cars. Kevin took me back to school, and now here I am.
Today, I had kitchen duty. I spent the WHOLE 3.5 HOURS cutting stuff. My wrist kind of hurts ;-; (had to cut cucumber, tofu, tomatoes, and candied apples. oi. )
and now... I should work on my paper
dir en grey