Kitchen duty day!

Oct 20, 2009 01:19 today has been uneventful. I woke up went to lunch, came back and went to kitchen duty

today, for 3 hours I fried every single piece of chicken in the kitchen (...that comes out to 100s of pieces of chicken...a minimum of 15 industrial sized baking sheets worth) oi.
I sizzled myself so many times ugh. least I only have one tiny blister on my thumb, and a couple of red splotches on my arm.
There were these little BASTARD PIECES of chicken that got caught under the grill, and I couldn't fish them out -.-'
so... i had to use tongs. but... me being me, I dropped them into the oil *sigh*
So i had to fish them out with the little basket strainer thing and run them under water so i could hold them and try again.
I didn't dry them well enough so they sizzled me. My plastic glove tips got sizzled too oi D;
but I survived doing all the chicken yay! and Chef said i did good, and gave me a thumbs up more than once (yay!)

he's funny, I like him :)
when he was showing me what to do he was like
*singsinghumhum* KENTUCKY hehehe! 8D <---with that facial expression and his spanish accent
jolly man XD

the rest of my time was spent doing dishes (ah, it's not a kitchen duty day for me without at least a few dishes it seems haha)
tomorrow i have to finish my essay for JReligion class ahhhh D;

kitchen duty

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