it's been so long since i've updated D;
i keep making little half done posts that i add to but never finish enough to post >.o'
the last couple of weeks have pretty much been spent hanging out with people as much as possible since everyone is going back to school ;~;
anyways last last Monday, Kevin S took Tracy, Jonathan, Kevin, and I to the Getty Villa :D
It was cool going back again and seeing the new Chimaera exhibit...but they wouldn't let us take pictures of it, boo :'(
and last last Tuesday, I woke up and looked at the Calendar section of the LA Times, and the first thing I saw? A huge picture of the Chimaera at the Getty Villa lol! what a coincidence. Anyways, afterwards, Jonathan picked me, Kevin and Tracy up and we went to the La Brea tar pits, I haven't been there since gradeschool and Kevin had never been there so it was really nice to see it again. Sadly, Tracy got tar stuck to her shoe =/, but other than that it was cool seeing all of the fossils and stuff that they've pulled from the pits. At the gift shop I bought a stuffed glyptodon (it's a prehistoric armadillo, and the little guy was so cute i couldn't resist!)
most of the rest of that week and this week has been spent hanging out either with people, or just bumming at Kevin's house watching stuff :)
Kevin S went back up to Stockton on Wednesday so we won't see him for a good while, and since Tracy started law school i guess we won't be seeing her as much either D:
but luckily, she was free on friday so we met up with her friend Olive, Tina, and Tina's friend Jarissa at Montebello mall so Tracy could shop for some new (and different style from normal) clothes :D It was pretty fun, but pretty exhausting too, and the staff at Forever 21 were HORRIBLE, when i went to the dressing room to try something on, it took forever to get in for one, and when i came out to give the girl the clothes i didn't want and the number tag thing I stood there forever, and she looked at me and went back to what she was doing for what felt like forever before finally taking the stuff -____-' *shake fist*
after the mall, Tracy dropped me off at Kevin's house before going home and Kevin and I went to Savoy for dinner before coming back to his house to bum and watch korean dramas
last saturday, we were supposed to go to Lyn's house to do the "Endless Setlist" on Rockband, but before getting there Lyn asked us to go find an eyedropper for her because she got a new kitten. We went to Petsmart, which didn't have anything and so we went to CVS where we got a childrens medicine dropper so she could feed the kitten. it's so cute! a couple of days later lyn managed to get a hold of the mother cat too, so now baby and momma (whose names are apparently Coco and Kiwi, respectively) have been in the bathroom :)
Also, i think it was that Sunday or Monday, Kevin and I came over to Lyns house. We parked in front of her neighbours house because there were no spots, and her neighbour's van was pulling out of the driveway(she was taking her kids to soccer practice). she stopped and we thought she was going to get out and tell us to move or something (because we were blocking her view of the street, maybe?) but, instead she went in the other direction, picked up a rock and threw it at something (that we couldn't see because the van was blocking our view). we got out and went over and Lyn and Tom were screaming like crazy at the lady, who was screaming back. It turns out, she threw the rock at Lyn's cat Socksie (and might have actually hit her :[ ). The lady left, and Lyn left to drop off Tom and pick up Barb, and when she returned called the cops who told the lady's husband that if Lyn wanted to she could press charges for animal cruelty, and she'd go to jail. Lyn didn't press charges then, but if anything else happens, she's probably going to because, that's just not cool at all :(
since then it's pretty much been mostly hanging out with people/having a few days to just Kevin and I since he started school today and I won't see him until Friday :'(
On Saturday, I went with Kevin to move into his dorm at CSULB :D his room is a bit bigger than last year...but there are cabinets so high up that i can't even reach that far into them even stepping on his chair (curse teh shortnesssss)
after he moved in and stuff, we left back to MPK so he could cash and deposit his fin aid check. sadly, it's been so hot that his car overheated in the wells fargo parking lot (curse this 100+ F heatwave T~T). he had his dad come, but eventually after it cooled off a bit his car started working again.
Later on we ended up going to Santa Anita mall so he could shop for clothes and stuff, and we managed to get our birthday presents for each other (i got him a jacket from Mens Warehouse, and he got my a phone =D). Afterwards he bought dinner for us at Red Lobster because he's never been there and really wanted to try it *omnom* We went to Lyn's after that to hang out and see the kitties :)
Sunday, I ended up going with Kevin to Frys, Walmart and Kohls so he could get some more stuff before heading back to his dorm, and I ended up with an 8gb microSD card for my phone, and a bluetooth usb thingy for my computer so i can transfer stuff to the phone
and today, i've just been going through all the stuff i haven't gone from when i moved back from school, and doing laundry...lots and lots of it =_='. And now I'm at Lyn's house with Barb, Amy, and Joseph playing Rockband/playing with the kitties.
Also, since last Tuesday, theres a really bad forest fire that is so close you can see it from my backyard D; It's making the air so disgusting, and it's scary to see the mushroomy looking blob of smoke and flames off in the distance >.o'
kitty the day Lyn got it, it was only like 3 weeks old or so, still blind, and very flea ridden D:
momma and baby <3
baby is getting so fat fat now <3
The fire from the top of Barnes park (a few days ago)
Our dinners from Red Lobster :3~