Title: The Lost 'Puppy'
Rating: PG
Chapter: 3/?
Pairing: None
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 966
Disclaimer: I own the plot. JE owns Arashi. And Arashi owns my heart. Its a never ending cycle!
Summary: Aiba Masaki is lost and confused. He doesn't know he is, or why he's in Kyoto. The only clues he has are a broken cell phone, 5 bucks in change weighting down his pockets, and a water logged letter from someone he doesn't know.
Previous Chapters:
Where Things Start |
Days Of A Wanderer After getting something simple to eat, a small sandwich that cost him a buck something and a bottle of water to wash it down with leaving him with a little less than 3 dollars in his pocket. Aiba made his way back to the park bench he spend the night on to eat his food. He rubbed his face a bit to wake him up a little more before opening the sandwich to eat. About half way through he decided to tackle that mysterious letter again.
Aiba had long finished his food when something written caught his attention. Excited he started to search for a pen only to practically smack himself for remembering he didn’t have one. Aiba folded it back up and shoved it in his pocket and grabbed his half a bottle of water and went on a search for a pen. He asked a few people in the park before one was kind enough to give him one. Thanking the kind person Aiba went back to figuring out the letter. Lying on his stomach with the Sun facing his back he started to look it over again.
2 Days Ago
Aiba had spent the night in a small hotel that was fairly cheep, he didn’t like it but he wanted to keep his money and at 15 bucks a night for the cheapest he was going to get he would sure he’ll live with it. The next morning was a bright sunny day when he walked out into the world. He turned on his phone to see no new calls or text messages so he placed it back into his pocket.
Not being hungry for once Aiba just wandered around Kyoto hoping to get a clue to where Sho would even remotely be. Nothing came to mind so he wandered the day away until he started to get a little hungry so he headed in the direction of a little place Sho and him went to about a year ago on a trip there. But as he stood in front on the restaurant he remembered that it was cheep so he had to move on. Not knowing what else to do Aiba settled for the cheep dinner. Two sandwiches and a 6 pack of beer. Why beer? He was in that mood, which was rare for Aiba.
Around the 4th can of beer Aiba was totally out of it. He was wandering the streets like a drunk (because he was drunk) and saying incoherent things. Once he finished off the 6th can he couldn’t see particularly straight, but is to be expected when you drink 6 cans by yourself.
Wandering around like that isn’t good for your health, or so Sho would say, but Sho wasn’t with him so no one could warn him or keep him out of trouble. Aiba found himself in the worsser part of town after not to long. He also found himself face to face with a gang. And drunk Aiba was worse than sober Aiba so he said things that shouldn’t have been said.
Before Aiba knew it he was getting the crap beat out of him left and right. And when the gang was finished with him, not after giving a few more punches to his face and stealing his wallet, they left him in the middle of an alley as it started to rain.
He was in bad shape, Aiba Masaki. It was so bad that he blacked out even before the finished with him. Aiba laid there for the rest of that night and all of the next day. Once he awoke everything was a hazy mess and he couldn’t explain how it all happened because he didn’t know what happened. All he knew was pain, sickness, and the fact that it was WAY to bright outside. This brings us to the current moment in time.
The entire day he spent in the park on that bench searching for words that he could make out in the letter. He was hoping that maybe if he found enough words he could maybe get a clue as to why he was even in Kyoto. When the day of searching for legible words was done he yawned and laid on his back to stare at the early evening sky, and he stayed like that for a while just watching the beautiful colors fade into the night.
It was around then that he got hungry again but decided to ignore it only going off to look for a place he could maybe fill up his water bottle and use the bathroom. Not many places would let him, “No service, No bathroom” was the policy. He thought it was a load of crap but let it go for it wasn’t worth the argument. Finally Aiba was able to find a place and he thanked then kindly before leaving.
While washing his hands Aiba noticed something around his neck. It was a chain with a key on it. Intrigued by this new fact he dried his hands and took the chain from around his neck. How could he have missed this? Hopefully he’ll figure out what its for as well. Aiba put it back around his neck since that was the safest place and left the bathroom.
Back upon his bench Aiba closed his eyes and listened to the cicada’s song. It was a peaceful clear night and within no time he fell asleep. Aiba didn’t know what time was really anymore. Since he had no way to count it there was only early morning, morning, afternoon, early evening, and evening. But he liked this simple way of keeping track, and as long as he knew how many days passed it was fine for the most part.