Minna! I need your help! And no, I don't mean my fanfic I'm working on (I'll update that later!)
Right now, I'm making a fanvid for Ohno's birthday (Yeah!!), and I need a little help on some translating.
I only know very little japanese, so can someone translate for me a few clips so I know what they're saying? I've searched everywhere I possible can for translations, but end up with no luck. that way I'll know which audio to use for the video!
It'll be great if you guys can help me just this one time!! (onegai!!)
how can you say no to that face?!?!
He'll be ever so sad if you didn't help!!
Or else!! Feel the Wrath of Kaibutsu-kun!!
or would you rather face Maou! (run! run away!)
he wants to see it too!!
gosh, I'm really milking this...
Oh, and for those that think I'll use the translation to upload them on streaming websites?!
as if !!!
i never took the time to do that. because i would have done that ages ago. you can trust me. i only download arashi sub clips for my own entertainment. i only use raw footage for my fanvids.
So...will you not help out this crazy obsessed fan?!?!