So Yesterday I bought a new text book called "Beginning Japanese" It was very expensive XP so yeah
I took some pictures of it too XDDD
Yep so those are some pics on how it looks and yes I suck at Photography so yeah XPPP
so I "downloaded" Lucifer today and OMG its awesome!!!! Even my friend said its the best album and she doesn't even like SHINee XDD
- Up&Down
- Lucifer
- Electric Heart
- A-Yo
- Obsession
- Quasimodo
- Shout out
- Your Name
- Life
- Ready Or Not
- Love Pain
- Love still goes on
My favorite songs are A-Yo, Your Name, Ready Or Not, Love Pain, and Love still goes on. don't get me wrong i like the whole album but I'm not really loving #6 too much though lol....