Please Read Beforehand

Jun 11, 2017 12:58

Hey guys,

I'm an Arashi-fan from Australia.

I love all five of them, but has a bit of a soft spot for Nino ;P

In my LJ I'm hoping to share some of the DVDs, CDs and possibly TV shows I have. (Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT own the rights to ANY of the contents I post)

Now, here are the rules and the conditions I require you to follow if you're willing to be a part of this community:

1. I WILL NOT accept any complain on my posts (feel free to notify me if the links aren't working or if there's something wrong with the post, etc. though! You can either comment on the post, or DM me)

2. DO NOT share/re-distribute or sell anything on this website without permission even if they are your friends: this includes - the downloaded contents, downloading links and passwords (sharing via hard drives or similar methods also aren't accepted)

Not that hard, right?
If you think you could manage them, please move on to the next step: to send me a friend request so you can view the f-locked posts.

I will only be accepting people who:

1. can follow the rules stated above
2. has at least two appropriate quality (I will not accept two posts with three random pictures each just so you'll have two posts) entries in their LJ - This will depend on how long you have been on it; I don't expect you to already have five posts if you have only started yesterday
3. has commented on one or more posts - it doesn't have to be mine, just anyone's is fine
4. leaves a comment on this post or DM me along with the friend request - please tell me a bit about yourself, the country you are from and anything else that you would like to tell me (maybe which member you like the most? or your favourite song, concert , etc.) The last one isn't compulsory, but it'll be nice just getting to know you a little :)

Please understand that I am a uni student, has part-time jobs and other commitments so the requests might take a few days for it to get approved.

If your request does not get approved within 2 or 3 weeks, it's probably either I don't have the time to get around to everything, or that you have been rejected/declined. In this case, if you are sure that you have met the requirements, please wait patiently or send me another DM for this will be easier to respond to individually.

Thank you! 

please read beforehand

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