Monday, 2/6
Thought of the day: For one's face to be aflame.
This means to be so embarrassed that one's face is bright red from blushing. Have I been embarrassed lately? Well, I have certain principles.When I was a kid, I didn't really like standing out too much. So why did I enter this industry? (laughs) I used to be embarrassed all the time. To be suddenly performing before a vast number of people at concerts wasn't embarrassing though. But well, I hated making speeches while being filmed or at concerts. It's tough! I can't think of anything good to say. Nothing ever comes to mind. As for what's the worst - I hate rehearsal rooms. Like for stage plays. Since everyone's watching. Since you're practicing, you want to try all kinds of stuff out. So I hate that. Sometimes I have to act stuff I don't understand.I hate having people watch when I haven't even got a grasp of the situation yet. Well, if we're talking about recently...I guess I don't really think about it. So if, while watching TV, you happen to catch sight of me with a sheepish look, feel free to think, 'Ah, that guy really isn't thinking of anything'!
Tuesday, 2/7
Thought of the day: If you want to be happy for an hour, drink some alcohol. If you want to be happy for three days, get married. If you want to be happy forever, learn to fish.
What's this? What's this? This one's fantastic.This is a Chinese proverb. This doesn't just mean that fishing is profound, but it also serves as a means to eat, to allow one's imagination to wander. To find time to face oneself, to test one's fortitude and so on. This means that the act of fishing has deep parallels with life. That suits my way of life. After all, I agree. 'If you want to be happy for an hour, drink some alcohol.' That's how it feels to me. And that's what they say about marriage, right? The first three days are happiness.Then you gradually run out of conversation, right? (laughs) What, is that wrong? So fishing is forever! After all, that's what I think when I fish too. I could never have enough of it in a lifetime. And I daydream too. Like, 'Where am I now?' and stuff. Then there's having that time alone to face yourself. For introspection. They say if you wait long enough, sooner or later you'll catch that big one. That's really true of fishing. It reflects life. Yeah, fishing is definitely amazing. It suits me. Well - as long as I follow the advice not to get sun burnt, I guess...
Wednesday, 2/8
Thought of the day: Let's say there's a wall that breaks after hitting it 100 times. But no one knows how many times they need to hit it to break it, so they give up after hitting it 90 times.
Oh~, I see. This is the word of former tennis player Matsuoka Shuzou-san. (chuckle) Shuzou-san came to Arashi's show twice. He's a hot-blooded person, really. He has a lot of wise sayings like this. But, I wonder if he ever gave up. Like being all lazy at home. He's constantly got a little bit of ripple on his glabella. I wonder what he's facing toward. I want to become hot-blooded like him. Because he eats all of his wife's meals really hot. Even meat. "Meal's ready~♪" It's not like that. He's always in standby at the table while his wife is grilling in the kitchen. She brings it quickly and he eats it quickly. Apparently. (laughs) He said it's a battle. (laughs) He's constantly fighting with something. Yeah. Also we received t-shirts from him with his writing on it. Thank you so much. But yeah, that's true. This applies to fishing too. There are times where if you would've waited another 10 minutes, you could've fished a really big one. Life is fishing after all. (laughs)
Thursday, 2/9
Thought of the day: To be compatible. (literally: skins match)
Oh~, I see. I kind of understand. This is an idiom that means that you feel like something or someone's way of thinking matches or is similar to your own personality, likes, and way of thinking. "My new work place is compatible with me" or "I'm compatible with him because we get pumped up when we talk about radio-control vehicles" is how you would use it. I see. That's my radio friend (Ohno's 'radio friend' is his friend from his private life. He is from Kansai and has radio-control vehicles as his hobby.), right? I'm very compatible with my radio friend. (laughs) We're so compatible that's it's almost funny. He's pretty much really similar to me. Our foods match too. I like spicy foods. And he likes spicy foods too. You know how we go to eat out with the two of us? We go to a nabe (pot dish) restaurant where their recommendation is the chicken stock soup. It their main. And we look through the menu and we see it says super spicy soup. We order that and really nothing else. We don't order their prideful dishes either. (laughs) That's our classic now. (laughs) Oh, but there's this one difference. Well it's not really different, but my radio friend gets drunk easily when he drinks Japanese sake. (LAUGH) I discovered that recently. Yeah, so we went to this sushi restaurant and we ended up ordering sake, and he said, "For real~!? (Majika~!?)" and we cheered, but he started getting drunk immediately after he drank it. (laughs) He says things like "It has to be Japan for me!" or "This is super delicious!" and I bet he has no idea what's going on. Since then I love making him drink it and he's like, "You're having fun with me aren't you?". It's funny. If I discover something new about my radio friend, I'll let you know. (laughs)
Friday, 2/10 (from
[BGM 'Tooku Made']
Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Every Friday I respond to the messages received on this show.
To begin with, we have a message from Kano-san of Ayase.
"In Japanese History class we were taught that
Tokugawa Ieyasu said 'If the cuckoo does not sing, wait for it'[1]. If it were Oh-chan, how would you complete the sentence - 'If the cuckoo does not sing, ___'? By the way, I used to say, 'If the cuckoo does not sing, I will'."
That's actually pretty good. 'I'll sing'. That has touch of kindness to it, doesn't it? What would it be for me? I think it'd be more easily understood if I used a fishing analogy. So it'd be, 'If the cuckoo can't be fished, change the bait'. (laughs)
Not that you fish for cuckoos though. Best if you change it to a fish then. Five syllables, right? Um. 'If the
hirasuzuki can't be fished, change the bait'. So it's if you still can't catch hirasuzuki. If that's the case, this should work, right? So I changed the bait there, I did. I don't wait. Right.
Continuing on, one from Aya-san.
"The other day, I found my old piggy bank. Although I thought I'd saved a fair bit, I didn't really save much. I'd unintentionally used up what little I'd saved by using 100, 200 yen every now and then. Ohno-kun, have you ever saved money in a money box? If so, how much did you save?"
I see. Did I used to have a money box? I think I did. I never put any money in though. (laughs) That was when I was a kid. I was in primary school... about Grade 5 or 6. I used to go to the candy store all the time, so I never had any savings.
Usually on Saturdays, school ends early, right?[2] So just like that, once, I'd go home, change and then eat the ton of candy I bought. Then, the
Jump would have arrived. I'd see it there on the spot, and then if there was 'Dragon Ball', I'd be like, "Since imma draw something, I'll draw you today!". And I'd draw a picture from it. That in itself was fun. That'd take a week, that cycle. So I used to eat loads of candy. Mm. So that's why I never saved anything much. Right.
Right, next up is one from Reru-san of Tokyo.
"I've successfully gotten into senior high school. If I continue on to senior high, I'm worried that I won't be able to make new friends. In the past 3 years of middles school, we never changed class, so I've forgotten how to make friends. Satoshi-kun who has many friends, please advise."
But I don't have a lot of friends! (laughs)
How to make friends, huh? It's all in your approach, isn't it? Like looking them in the eye and such. If it's said that it's easy to make friends that way, maybe it will be. After that, it's up to you. If you think, "ah, that person. Seems like they have the same aura as me", then you should strike up a conversation. Mm. That's what I did with
Ueshima Ryuhei after all. (laughs) The age gap makes no difference after all. Mm. So please take your time finding new friends. Right.
And so with that, the weekly Friday messages have been answered. I'll be awaiting your mail. The address is I'll be waiting for you to send me lots of messages.
See you next week; this was Ohno Satoshi!
[1] This refers to a series of
senryuu that encapsulate the personalities of
three major figures in Japanese history.
[2] Seems like back in Satoshi-kun's day, Japanese children
went to school from Monday to Saturday. This doesn't necessarily apply to all Japanese schools or all Saturdays of the month any more though.
*Gomenasai...I really did not have time to translate Friday's...I actually did, but it got erased due to LJ difficulties >.<