KEIO UNIVERSITY convo between me and the boss!

Dec 17, 2009 21:01

so i have one japanese manager at japanese book deparment which i didnt bother to add in FB when my friend suggested him to me. yesterday, i went to his profile and read it, and there one sentence that really caught my attention Graduated from: KEIO UNIVERSITY, in sociology and physology( year 2001) and straight away i go and added him, myself...waiting patiently for him to add me back! then he added me and straight away i start this convo Rashidah Mohamed Basler : ano, fukunaga-san, i have this one curious question to ask. you were from keio university right? have u ever met arashi's sakurai sho-san during your studies there?

Genya Fukunaga
Yes, I graduated from keio university. But I didn't see him at all because we learned on different campases. Sorry!!

Rashidah Mohamed Basler
ah souka...hehe....but i stil found it cool you were in the same univ as him XDXDXD thanks for the info.. that's how it goes! XD i was hoping he will be off today so he wont check who i am...since in FB i changed my profile picture.>XD and he was off for the day. but i BET he WILL DEFINAtely think that i just added it because of some arashi related! XD see people, arashi is really everywhere! muahahahahaha....


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