I've had this idea for a fic floating around in my head since around the end of My Girl, something talking about what happened in the three intervening years that Masamune was away in America. I'm including a rough sketch of an idea here.
The thing is, I want someone to bounce ideas off of. I don't want to say I need a beta, since I don't want to burden anyone with mucking through my rough sketches- but I'd like someone to brainstorm with so I don't end up going in weird directions, or OOC, or writing myself into a corner. It won't be too much responsibility, just the occasional chat will be fine. Any volunteers?
Here's the starting point:
I am emailing you from the airport, I hope you will be kind enough to show this message to Koharu-chan. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness in taking her in for the years that I will be away.
I have landed at the airport in New York, I’ll be heading to my hotel soon, but I couldn’t seem to leave without at least telling you that I have arrived safely. I miss you terribly already, and it hasn’t even been a full day yet since I last saw you. I hope you are well! Have you slept and ate? Have you unpacked your belongings at Grandma’s house? Are you settling in?
I’m sorry, I am asking you far too many questions. It must be the jet-lag. My flight was all right, I sat next to a window and so I could sleep most of the time. The food was terrible and I sat next to a really fat man, but the view from the window was amazing! We could see the clouds above the ocean. I have sent a picture with the email to your Grandma, I’m sure she will show it to you.
I need to finish this letter now, since there is a taxi waiting to take me to the hotel, but I hope to be able to write you many, many letters. And I hope that you will write me back!
I love you.
NOTE: This is not even the final draft of the intro, it's just so you get the idea of where I might go with this.