7 days Arashi meme part 5

Jul 16, 2010 02:42

NOTICE: My Photobucket account exceeded it's bandwidth, if you want to see this, come back after September 12th and it'll all be back. Sorry!

Ok. I was thinking of making a lovely, GIF-full post for today, but to be honest it's already past 2 AM and I have to get up at a normal time tomorrow, so I'll settle for screenshots.

Here we go!

Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why?

So for me the answer is fairly simple. By proccess of elmination, I can't go with the nipple t-shirt (girl here. Not something I want to do), don't like the idea of having my face squashed- seems uncomfortable- so no stocking. I guess the swan would be OKish, but really, from what's left I'd LOVE to be a Panda or a Golden Guy. Remember who's in charge of applying the punishments? Remember how putting makeup on someone's face means lots of touching said face?

Aright, so clearly I don't have enough pictures of this. But you get the idea. I unfortunately had to do a hard drive purge recently, so most of the punishment games have been erased, but these two sum it up quite nicely, I think.

Guys. I'm SO sorry  I haven't gotten any writing up lately. My muse seems to have gone on vacation- I write every day, but only a little bit, and sometimes I have to force it out. I am making progress on both of the fics, though- enough that there will be new chapters soon-ish. The funny thing is, the chapter AFTER the upcoming chapters in each of the fics are almost done already, so chapter 5 of Sure Thing and chapter 3 of Visitors will go up pretty quickly.

So maybe my muse isn't 100% on vacation becuase I've been writing some original short stories lately. I'm not sure whether or not to put them here, though, since they're not fanfic at all, and they're very different than the style I write in for fanfic (at least so far)

meme, hun- your bias is showing, writer's block

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