Falling Pipe:
-Jun once again pulled out his strategy of telling the person which pipes he chose...and then chose different pipes. XD Jun was really decisive too, saying "I'm done choosing! It's 1 and 2." So the guy went along with it. Of course, it was the pipes behind him that were dropped, and he managed a pretty decent catch, considering! Nino and the guys were telling him that his catch was actually pretty amazing, but he said he was shocked, and told the girls that Arashi could not be trusted. XD
-When Sho went up to catch, Ito-san was like, "It's been a while~" Sho started whining, "It has...I don't like this! I'm nervous~" After she chose the pipes, Sho analyzed the way her shoulders moved to try to figure out which pipes she'd chosen. He was really sure that 1 wasn't one of them (and he was right!). During the actual game, the girl said that she'd heard that even when Sho tries to hail a taxi, they won't stop for him. Sho confirmed this. XD And then he managed a double catch (only the second time he's done so, I believe) and earned himself a new high score! I was cracking up at how obviously pleased he was with himself.
-When the other girl went up to catch, during the game, Ohno asked her to do an impression, since she hasn't been doing them on TV lately. She managed to catch 100 points while doing so, which everyone said was impressive.
-As soon as Nino went up for pipe catch, he said that he already knew which pipes the guy was going to choose, so he was probably going to be able to manage a double catch. (The way he said it was kind of great. So cocky... XD) Then, after the guy chose the pipes, Nino mimicked the way he'd been moving around to figure out which pipes he'd chosen. Like Sho, he figured one that he was sure it wasn't and abandoned it, and, like Sho, managed a double catch. During the actual game, the guy said that he'd heard that Nino likes to wear pantyhose. Nino was like, "It's not that I like it, it's for a show and things just turn out like that..." The guy kept asking him about the pantyhose until he dropped the pipes. (Our boys are really famous for this, apparently... ^_^;;)
Rolling Coin Tower:
-Arashi decided to give the other team a handicap by trading their 10-point coins for the other team's 5-point coins. When the tower fell between Ohno and the girl, Ito-san asked the girl if she touched it or not. She said she didn't, and they showed the instant replay. I think she touched it but the bonus points went to the guest team.
Bank Bowling:
-At the beginning of the game, Ito-san commented on how the handicap had been really useful for the guest team. He agreed and then said, "Alright, so now it's time to ask for a handicap!" Arashi was like, um, no. Then the guy acted like he was about to send the show to commercial, saying "After this we'll find out if Arashi will give the handicap!" Sho was like, "No, no, don't go (to commercial)!" But then Sho finally said that they'd give them a handicap by letting all three of them bowl.
-When the second girl went up to bowl, she said that her highest score in bowling was 208. Sho was like, "You should've said that sooner!" Then the other two from the guest team that weren't playing started giggling amongst themselves. Sho was like, "They're SO ANNOYING!" The two from the guest team posed with the red pin to show that this was, in fact, all part of their evil scheme. After she bowled well, Jun was like, "I think we need to have three turns too!" So after briefly conversing, the guest team agreed to let it be a three-on-three match.
-As the guy went up to bowl, he went on and on about how he was about to bowl and such. After a while, Jun was like, "Stop it! It's too long!" The guy was like, "But everyone seems to be enjoying it..."
-You'll never guess how Arashi decided which three would go up to bowl. That's right...janken. The three who won (Nino, Aiba and Ohno) were taking their time, leisurely talking strategy. Nino said they were reading the lines (I'm assuming the ones on the floor?). When they seemed finished and stood up, Ito-san asked what the strategy was. Nino was like, "At any rate, I'll knock down the red pin...wait...what should I do?" After confirming with Aiba and Ohno, he said he'd knock down the red pin. He managed to do so, and knocked down all but 3 pins!
-When Aiba was up, he was asked if he had an image of his mind of what he was going to do. He said he definitely did, that he was going to follow the orange line. Jun sort of followed the line and was like, "Maybe a bit more this way (to the right). So Aiba was like, "Okay, so pink then!" Jun was like, "But wouldn't white be good?" Everyone was like, "White?!" Nino was like, "Search for the white line!" Jun was like, "But this is white, isn't it?" (Meaning the area between the colored lines, which is more of a beige color...) The guest guy was like, "What, bone white?" Nino then said to Aiba, "But in your heart, you want to go with pink, right?" So Aiba decided to go with pink. Jun was like "Hey!!"
-When Aiba bowled, he managed to score enough points to decide Arashi's victory. But after the game, Jun was like, "Aiba, Nino, can I talk to you? Why is Leader up there if there were only two people taking turns?" Ohno was like, "I wonder why!" and quickly came down.
In the part at the end, they asked Ohno how he felt about the game that day. He said the end was exciting, even though he didn't get to play. The members were all like, "Come play with us again sometime!" Treating him like a guest. XD
There was also an announcement saying that there will be a VS Arashi segment during 24 Hour TV. There was something else announced, but I didn't quite get it...some kind of event.
Sorry about my utter fail to know/care about the guests' names this time... Also, I'm kind of feeling lazy right now so I didn't read this over, so sorry for any mistakes/typos I made. ^_^;;