365 Lolita Challenge

Jan 08, 2016 00:01

Time to do the 365 Lolita Lifestyle Challenge

Here is the first week

-> More handmade stuff
I would like to practise sewing a little more (otome no sewing patterns are waiting) and use all my craftig material lying around

-> Wigs
get some new and try different styles (normally I just prefer my own hair, but sometimes that´s rather boring)

-> Loose weight
Fit all my dresses properly again and feel more confident taking pictures

-> Minimize wishlist
I don´t spend a lot of money for Lolita troughout the year, so if I buy something it should be a wishlist item, because my wishlist gets bigger and bigger

I live in a small village in the countryside, so there isn´t muchgoing on in my area.
But I found this small homeland museum just 5min from my home, whichshows typical rooms and furniture from the beginning of the last century.

Ina small townjust 10min further you can visit the landmark and an old underground defence construction (which I´m probably doing in summer)

aimichani and eiskobold....
You know I love spending your money, so I always keep my eyes openfor you :P

I learned a simple fishbraid yay <3
My first try was awful, my second accepteble, but not good enough for sharing a picture of it :P
I´m going to try this on a wig soon

I just started "Little Lord Fauntleroy" by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
I often saw the movie, which is shown multiple times every year around christmas, but I never read the book before...
So this task was just the opportunity for it.

I choose the german opening for Sailor Moon, because I can be a magical girl every time of the day^^

My boyfriend was like: "...Is that...is that Sailor Moon??..."

As I don´t have a favorite dress, I just choose my very first Lolita JSK because it will always be special to me.

I love the dot texture of the fabric, the print is beautiful and still fits my style and the lace is really adorable

Thank you for reading <3 <3 <3


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