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2 Name: Brigit
Age: 25
Country: USA! USA!
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: Friendly, fun-loving, generally laid-back, accommodating, organized, understanding, loyal
Weak Points: Stubborn, a bit demanding, easily annoyed, and I love being right a little too much
Good Habits: I go out of my way for people and put my all into whatever I do. I always try to make sure everyone's having fun/feeling included, and if I like you I'll always stick by you.
Bad Habits: Those exact same things: I go out of my way for people even if I don't have time for it, and I can take on so much responsibility that I burn out (it takes a lot for me to burn out, but it's definitely not unheard of). I'm also blunt and frank to the point that it alienates people because I'm the same way to everyone: friends or strangers, I will tell you exactly what's on my mind.
Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging with friends, drinking, reading, sleeping, photography, languages, laying out in the sun, football, baseball, photoshop, studying
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I can always find at least one thing to connect with someone on, so I'm good at small talk.
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I can get really stressed and become horrid to deal with. I mean, if I talk it out with someone I'm fine, but if you catch me at the wrong moment, I very well could tell you off. I don't do it as much as I used to, but I still do it :|
Describe yourself in 3 words: a walking contradiction
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: Medium. I'm really high energy when I'm out with my friends, and I could spend all day out and doing stuff. Once I get home, though, that's it XD I could give a three-toed sloth a run for its money.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. I always need a plan when I go into anything. I don't mind if we don't stick to it, but I need one nonetheless.
Leader or Follower: LEADER. I don't know how it happens, but I always, always end up as the leader in whatever it is I'm doing. I don't necessarily mind, but sometimes it makes me just throw up my hands and go "really?!"
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. I can be a pessimist, but it doesn't last long.
Calm or Hyper: Depends on the situation. I'm usually pretty chill, but I do have my moments of bouncing off the walls with happy
Sing or Dance: Singing. I dance dorkily to songs, but that's while singing.
Good Temper or Bad Temper: I'm good-tempered usually, but the bad temper is most definitely there. Like I said, I'm easily annoyed and I can't keep my mouth shut, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm mad; it takes a lot to really set me off.
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do: I call my favourite people at the time and hit the bars. Or, I organize an impromptu party at someone's house and we all just talk and sing and act like dorks and have a rad time ♥
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring: My music collection, a hatchet, and my best friend
Your house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: I first figure out if I can put the thing out myself. If not, I grab my cellphone, laptop, and pets and gtfo.
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: If I were a dude, I'd probably go shopping. Mostly to see how it would be to not have to shop for clothes to accommodate my huge hips and ass. And maybe hit on a girl and see if all the advice I gave my guy friends works.
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: Freak out a little. Like, turn around in a "who the hell are you and why are you touching me?" kind of way, and probably ask them something to the same effect while trying to escape their grip.
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) ahdflksjdf JUN. I seriously love his personality to bits. Sho is next because he's so smart and then he goes on national TV and wears pantyhose on his head XD
Song: "Fight Song," "Kitto Daijoubu," "Love Situation" and "Step and Go" (I SERIOUSLY HAVE SO MANY)
Album: Time! The second place album changes depending on my mood
PV: KITTO DAIJOUBU. I love this PV beyond words. It's like, concentrated happy.
Carne asada fries (I know it looks gross but it is so delicious you have no idea), Coke
Color: Pink~
Animal: Wolves or Clouded Leopards
Movie: Wayne's World!
Music: I will honestly listen to anything that doesn't get on my nerves. As I'm typing this I'm listening to Arashi while wearing a Dragonforce shirt. Cheesy pop, heavy metal, rap/hip-hop, indie; as long as it's interesting, I'm bound to like it
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? I don't really know. A few weeks ago I might have said Ohno, but watching through Shukudai-kun, I'm totally loving his idiosyncracies. Those didn't really come out in music (though his voice is beautiful and his dancing is like whoa) so he never really caught my eye until recently.
Song: "Ashita ni Mukatte" and "Ai to Yuuri to Cherry Pie". They're obnoxious to me
Album: I don't know that I really have one. I guess I don't like all the songs on their first album. I kind of turn it off after "Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi," though, so I guess it's that one.
PV: "Typhoon Generation." The song never piqued my interest and the PV's a bit of a snoozefest.
Food/Beverage: Lots of veggies, wine (it's kinda gross most of the time)
Color: Orange. Especially really bright orange.
Animal: Spiders. Snakes. Icky things in general.
Movie: I hate romantic comedies with a passion.
Music: Anything that gets on my nerves
Pictures of yourself, please:
probably the best picture of me ever ::
i'm self-conscious and tend to look dumb in pictures,
so i really don't take a lot of myselfHow did you find your way here: interest search
Who do you think you are most like and why: Probably Jun with being blunt, or Sho for putting a lot of stock in uni and being hardworking. My favourite members tend to be ones that share qualities with me :3
Anything else: