Please link to 2 other applications you have voted for:
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here Name: rarsii
Age: 19
Country: USA
Tell us about yourself...
Strong Points: I'm organized, Friendly, I treasure my friends.
Weak Points: I procrastinate most of the times, and can be selfish when I'm in bad mood, I'm also very clumsy.
Good Habits: I clean my room often, and try to eat healthy (but usually fail)xP.
Bad Habits: I usually procrastinate when it comes to hw and doing laundry.
Hobbies: Watching Dramas, reading JE magazines, Dance, anything about music, and SHOPPING!!
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I tend to cheer people up! XD
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: Sometimes, I can be selfish and moody.
Describe yourself in 3 words: cheerful, friendly, carefree
This or That...
High, medium, or low energy?: between high to medium, more to high actually XD
Impulsive or Cautious: depends, but maybe Impulsive.
Leader or Follower: I can be both, depending on the situations.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic is a must!!
Calm or Hyper: Hyper, most of the time, but I'm calm in front of people that I don't know too well.
Sing or Dance: Dance
Good Temper or Bad Temper: Good Temper
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill, what do you do: SHOPPING!!! and then hang out with my friends after, maybe going for a fancy dinner.
You're stranded on a deserted island, what 3 items would you bring: CELL PHONE, iPod, and clothes maybe.
You're house suddenly catches on fire in the middle of the night, what will you do: grab my cell phones and wallet so I can call for help.
If you were a girl/boy for a day what would you do: I dunno, maybe cut my hair like those JE guys XD
A stranger hugs you from behind, what do you do: Shock, pull away, and slap him..(if it's a guy)
Favorite Arashi Member? Why? (go all crazy fangirl with this one if you like :D) Definitely MATSUJUN!!!!! I just love him, period.
Song: Love so sweet and One love
Album: Time
PV: Believe
Food/Beverage: Dim Sum, Sushi, Dumplings, Bubble Tea
Color: Purple
Animal: Dogs (the big and hairy ones, I don't like cihuahua)
Movie: A lot, I like Romance, maybe HYD movie is my current favorite XD *and plus jun is in it too*
Music: mostly Jpop.. like NEWS, KAT-TUN, and Arashi.
Least favorite Arashi member? Why? None, I like them all.
Song: can't think of anything now. but I do have some dislikes.
Album: the 1st album, I don't really listen to it.
PV: Kitto Daijobu!! lol.
Food/Beverage: bitter melon, baked beans.
Color: Black or blue..
Animal: SNAKE
Movie: Horror/Thriller
Music: Heavy Metal
Pictures of yourself, please:
clicky How did you find your way here:
kt_ratingsWho do you think you are most like and why: I have no idea..
Anything else: Please vote, I'm really looking forward for the result ^^