Name/Nickname: Rei
Age/sex/location:(there might be fanboys) 31/Female/Florida, USA
Occupation: Student
Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, learning Japanese, photography, cooking, Arashi fangirling
Likes/Dislikes: I love almost all animals, including snakes, but especially my dog <3 Also like: independent films, British humor, cool weather, doing well in school, traveling, trying out new foods, thunderstorms. Don't like: competitive sports, manipulative or mean-spirited people, natto.
Favorite movie, song, and food: movie -
Labyrinth song - currently Journey's Don't Stop Believin' or Arashi's We Can Make It food -
omuriceSomething that makes you stand out: Several people have told me that I'm the most non-judgmental person they've ever met.
Something weird about you: I snore. Really loudly, like a big man. :(
Special talent(if any): Played alto saxophone in junior high/high school and was in the school jazz band. Also, I have 55 hours of flight time piloting a single-engine plane, but I haven't flown in several years. I miss it.
Favorite Arashi member and why: (feel free to fangirl here) Aiba-chaaaan! I could write 1000 pages about why I like him, but for now, let's just say that he's adorable, silly, adventurous, earnest, and just an amazing human being overall. And cute as hell. <3
If you could be an Arashi member for a day, which would you be? I have two answers - the first one is pervy, the second is proper, lol: 1)Ohno, because I would love to get groped by Nino all day. XD 2) Depends on the day, but I would say Aiba, because he gets to travel/do fun, adventurous stuff.
Share an interesting story: A few years ago (before Hurricane Katrina) my friends and I decided on a whim to go to New Orleans, which was about 550 miles away from where we lived. No plan, it was not even time for Mardi Gras - we just went. When we got there, it was about 11:00 at night, and though we had no hotel, we just drove up next to a taxi driver and asked where Bourbon Street was (if you don't know, Bourbon St. is where all the parties are). When we got there, we discovered there was something special going on - Southern Decadence, which seemed to be kind of a Mardi Gras for gay people. Haha, it was awesome, and also convenient, since my friends - both guys - are both gay. We partied and drank and then after a few hours realized we needed to get a hotel. And only one of us had any money. Well, because of Southern Decadence, all of the hotels were full! I think it was almost 5 am when we found one. And then we spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out in New Orleans!
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