Name/Nickname: Allison, A-chan, Natsuki
Age/sex/location: 16, Female, California ^^
Occupation: Student... (-w-)''
Hobbies: Singing, Watching cartoons, Video Games, Being with my boyfriend❤, Fashion, Make-up, Cleaning
Likes/Dislikes: I love❤ Fudge, Cartoons, Mint (the color), Gyaru fashion, High Heels, Rain, Dancing
I hate❤ Eggs, Thunder (scary!), Potty humor, Scary movies, Pickles, Early morning, Electronic music, People who put no effort into their looks
Something that makes you stand out:Eh? Fashion I would have to say. (^w^);; I'm a bit out there~
Something weird about you: Almost every pet I own is named after a video game character. Ex: Squall, Chocobo, Falco.. Haha.
Special talent(if any): Singing, I guess... (^w^)''
Strong points + Weaknesses: Strong Points❤ I'm very maternal! I'm very talkative and have no problem making new friends. I'm a very loyal person to friends and lovers.
Weakness❤ Giving presents! Sounds weird, but I suck at it.. (>w<);. I'm sort of lazy.. ^^;, I'm really bad at math., I take things too personally and I'm very emotional. I forget dates often.
Leader or follower? Follower... I'm too lazy and indecisive to be the leader, haha. I think with my emotions too much.
Favorite Arashi member and why: Jun! Because he's goofy and really out there. I think if I was his friend I would smile every day! XD
If you could be an Arashi member for a day, which would you be? Probably Jun again.. So I can have some alone time with Oguri Shun. (^w~)
If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why? Hm.. A fennec fox! Because they are WAY too cute. Such a shallow reason, haha~~
Picture of you(optional):
um.. hi. (owo)''
Thank you very much!! <3