Sep 15, 2022 16:13

🎐 "I wonder how much time has passed since then
Since I separated from you
Always, every time
Your voice echoes in my heart" 🎐
Hello, Arashians! Happy 5x23!!!!!
We, The Onion Project, invite YOU to join our latest ARASHI fan project for this year's debut anniversary!

We're going to make another virtual choir video, combined with slides of fan memories of ARASHI.

There are 2 types of projects you can join. You can join one, two, or all of them!
1. Kioku (sharing your memories regarding to any Arashi's song)
2. Uta (sing along with other Arashian around the world!)

For further information and details, you can leave a comment below or DM us. You can find us on twitter: onionproject5 or the information post here as well.

Thank you and have a nice day! 🎐

other: information, other: advertisements, other: miscellaneous

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