Arashi Fandom Survey!

Sep 09, 2017 13:12

UPDATE 9/10/2017 11:35AM: The survey will close by today, Sept. 10, at 1:30PM Hong Kong/Manila time. ♥

So far, there are OVER A THOUSAND responses!! That's almost enough to conduct a nationally representative survey omg ♥♥ I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed, but also so touched that you'd all take the time to answer! I don't think we've really had a chance to regroup as a fandom and see how we're doing as a community, so I'm glad I've been getting feedback about the survey opening discussions among fans and getting you all to reflect on your choices :D

Please continue to share it! Yay!

Hi, everyone!

I've been interested in the Arashi fandom community for a while now, having been part of it for the last decade or so. :) I'm interested in learning about the current makeup of the community, so I designed this survey to learn more about all of you! There are no right or wrong answers, it's all about what YOU think and feel about Arashi ♥ This is all just for fun and because I want to practice running data and making correlations! LOL. But I've pretested it, and it's a lot of fun answer!

(Click image for larger version lol)

Link to the survey:
A few things:
  • All your answers will be kept CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS. When I report back with the results, I will not give any usernames or e-mail addresses identifying any of the respondents. I will only go back to your answers if you want to be interviewed for Part 2 of this fandom research, which will mostly have open-ended questions. So please answer as honestly as possible!
  • It's all multiple question-type answers so you don't have to write an essay or anything.
  • This should take around 15-30 minutes depending on how set your opinions about Arashi are. But again it's fun to answer :D
  • Please please please send this to your friends who are Arashi fans! Post the link in on Tumblr, share it on Facebook/Twitter, etc. The more data we can gather, the better ^_^
  • Again, please answer everything honestly!
Okay, enough rambling. Please go answer the survey! You can leave a comment here if you have any suggestions or questions about this.

other: questions, other: discussions

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