Sep 21, 2015 23:35
Hi, my fellow Arashians! It's so great to have a place like livejournal to find things for the fandom, there's such a beautiful community here.
That being said, I haven't been in the fandom long--it's only been about 2 years, but I've noticed when people comment on videos that are posted, no one really says anything but "thank you"--which is great!--don't get me wrong! It's always good to show appreciation, especially for those hardworking subbers out there. And I'm also sooooo grateful their work; I wouldn't have come this far in the fandom without them! But I feel like it's such a waste that subbers spend so much time translating and timing, etc, but there are no comments about the actual video...
I didn't really know where to post this opinion of mine, but wouldn't it be more fun if we commented on the video we dl-ed and watched? We can't go to youtube or other streaming sites to find comments on funny or interesting things we found in the video. There's no where to go to find good conversation, and I always feel like I'm alone in this fandom ._.
I understand that English isn't everyone's first language, but whatever language you're comfortable with is fine in my opinion! It would just be nice to see conversation happening :D
Or am I getting this wrong? Is there a reason the comments aren't about the video? like legal reasons??
Does anybody agree or disagree with me?
Is there a site/forum I can visit to fangirl about Arashi??? lol
Thanks for reading!
other: miscellaneous,
other: discussions