Jul 21, 2015 09:18

I have been rejecting many MANY posts from the arashi_on queue for the same problems, so I feel like a mod reminder is necessary.

1.) PLEASE READ THE COMMUNITY RULES before posting. They are found in the community profile. If there is anything you don't understand, please contact one of the mods BEFORE posting. (Our contact information is also in the community profile.)

2.) Requests for videos/subs/scans/mp3s/etc MUST be made as a comment to the Masterpost of Requests.

3.) Images must not be larger than 400px wide.

4.) Sales posts are banned here. Please see the community profile for links to communities that allow sales.

5.) PLEASE try to tag your posts. I often approve posts from the queue from my phone but it is almost impossible for me to add tags. Posts have to sit in the queue longer until I get home and can approve it from my computer.

If you are confused about this (or any of the other rules), please do not hesitate to ask me or one of the other mods.

!mod post

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