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@yamakaze0672 today’s Shiyagare, 24h TV show project. Aiba-chan support family fight against disease. O-chan support Judo girl. Nino is drama, Sho-kun football, Jun-kun conduction.
8/22 No.1 song show. 24h TV special. Arashi perform one night only special medley 24h TV singing scene.
Orista article. 24h TV on air 8/25-26 Arashi does main perfonality. this show project “high school dance Koshien” at elimination, Satoshi Ohno appeared. his feedback of this competition that was pretty high level that put professional dancer to shame. and talked his high school era fully. looking back his early times “that time was so fun….”!? Q: what is your feedback to watched high school students performance that participated Dance Koshien? O: they are certainly high school but they achieved professional level. when I watched Dance Koshien, I thought this could be good in this industry, I think every time. this time also all were amazing. what was it”Team buttobi?” when I see them, I realized they really enjoy, and alzo Crash Girls is fun their gap. after all all had sharpness in their dance. it was fun.Q: various types of dance were performed. which was impressive? O: there’s dance I don’t know. it was quite new collaboration magic and dance. also Freestyle people did unique choreograph. as all did their own idea, this is amazing. I did a bit pole dance. it was fun. I want take this to my dance. I wonder if this could be a copy (grin) Q: did this remind you your teenage? O: sure, I think about that time, I hear their talk, and watch their dance. that time I had fun…. (grin) my pleasantness of that time and pleasantness of high school students seemed linked. Q: current Arashi builds a reputation, is pleasantness is different from your early time? O: even now dancing is fun. but passion of teen adolescence, that one hardly have now… sure when I dance at concert it’s fun. but but we are currently don the dance time between various work. I can’t devote myself only dance. Q: I heard you had moment “dance is this!” was it your teenage? O: right, right, I was Kyoto for long time for play “Johnny’s Fantasy Kyo to kyo” I wanted to dance that I’d fully satisfied. that’s why I watched all the time other performer such as Michael Jackson and other’s DVD or recorded video and went to stage, I repeated it. dance changes drastically if you watch it. I have been Kyoto about 2 years. 2nd year I could get what I can satisfied about dance, I think.
HIdehiro Kono (Nino drama producer) twitter today 13:5524h TV drama sp. time frame, CM on air. today is music meeting. actually I don’t want to take pride this. but this is really good. in various sense. this is really feeling good drama. all of cast including Ninomiya and all of staffs area really comfortable people. this shows in the screen. I don’t want take fhis pride. but I’m proud.
8/23 Arashi share house Ohmiya with Ryoko Yonekura 8/30 Aiba-chan Jun-kun with Haruka Ayase
TV life twitter 10:44 on sale today serial Arashi ni Shiyagare Ohnmiya pair Saotshi Ohno & Kazunari Ninomiya appears. fatigues of 24h TV? 2 are groovy. shoot their rate face at battle of balance ball, Shall we impromptu dance, before see front pages and center pages pin up. check serial.
Dogatch Aniki fuest of today is Ren Ohsugi. learn “magic formulat of really scary badguy role “ from actor who has 300 faces. at rumor section, rumors about Ohsugi cam out one to another, “Takeshi Kitano director’s piece audition was over within 2 sec.” “his son and Aiba seems close.” what is truth of rumor!? and “eat badguy role meal of Tokushima”, badguy role meal with scary name from Tokushima appear to studio and they eat. at “act with silence” once set turns the set of “Ren Ohsugi badguy role lesson” appears. Takeshi Kitano piece that Ohsugi appears many time, atmosphere few line with silence, this makes more scary. then act silence theater doing an improvisation. the setting is “racking from now the guy bound by a bond” role bound is Ohno, racking roles are Sakurai, Matsumoto and Aiba. and at “suddenly get mad” as sudden anger after silence makes more scary, learn acting to get hairy. once the set turn, office set appears. Arashi changes to suit like badguy role costume. hoodlum role is Matsumoto, boss role is Ninomiya and Ohno challenge. how is finish of Arashi’s bad role!?
updated contents of
upcoming shows.
Daido Moriyama photograph exhibition “Ah! Wild” 9/13-10/08 at Poster Harris Gallery. is you have “Ah, wild!” ticket, it’s free for once. … Kanpei-san at 24:51 the show is over and just came back home now. member of Arashi is after all so manly. and good character as well, can’t fine weak point. 。
next week Shiyagare, first part Aniki Guest is Taka& Toshi. lattter part Anki guest is Hokuto family learn “how to enjoy 24hours TV more.”
13:30-15:00 Waratte Koraete & Tokkan high light special, NTV check Nino’s preview.
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、ももいろクローバーZ、水原希子、速水もこみち…豪華メンバー&超かわいい赤ちゃん大集合スペシャル!
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Ren Ohsugi learn “magic formula of really bad guy role.” challenge silent acting. Satoshi Ohno as boss of gangster!? food of bad guy from Tokushima▽大杉漣から“本当にコワイ悪役の極意”を学ぶ▽“沈黙劇”に挑戦▽大野智が親分役!?▽徳島の“悪役メシ” this weeks aniki Guest is Ren Ohsugi, learn “magic formula really scary badguy role” from a veteran actor who has 300 faces, Ohsugi! ▽rumoro section, rumor about Ohsugi come out one to another. “audition by Kitano director was over for 2 sec.” “his son and Aiba are close.” etc. what is truth of rumor? ▽act with silence! Kitano’s movie Ohsugi appears often. not many line but have a lot of scene with silence. this unique atmosphere highlight dreadfulness more. they act “silent acting impromptu that story develops by only movement and facial expression. setting is “torture a guy bound by a bond” a bound guy is Ohno. a guy tortures is Sakurai, Matsumoto and Aiba challenges. ▽ get angry suddenly. as sudden anger after silence dreadfulness increases. this time learn basting acting. once set turn. office set appeared. Arashi changes to costume like badguy role. act play of the set “mug proposed to leave office.” mug role is Matsumoto, Ninomiya and Ohno challenge boss role! ▽ eat Tokushima badguy role meal! Tokushima prefecture where Ohsugi comes from has scary name “badguy role meal.” and this badguy role meal appears to studio and eat this.今週のアニキゲストは、大杉漣。300の顔を持つといわれるいぶし銀俳優・大杉から、「本当に怖い悪役の極意」を学ぶ!▽噂話のコーナー大杉に関するウワサが続々と飛び出す。「北野監督のオーディションが2秒で終わったらしい」「息子と相葉が親しいらしい」など、果たしてウワサの真相は?▽沈黙で演じやがれ大杉も数多く出演している北野武監督作品は、セリフが少なく沈黙が多い独特の雰囲気が、より怖さを引き立てているといわれている。そこで、セットが回転すると「大杉漣 悪役教室」のセットが登場。ここで、動きと表情だけでストーリーを展開する“沈黙劇”を即興で演じてみることに。設定は、「縄で縛られた男を今から拷問する」というもの。縛られ役は大野、拷問をする役は櫻井、松本、相葉がチャレンジ!▽突然、怒りやがれ沈黙の後に突然怒るメリハリで怖さが増すということから、今度は激しく怒る演技を学ぶ。セットが回転すると、事務所のセットが登場! 嵐も悪役らしいスーツ姿に着替え、「チンピラが親分に事務所を辞めたいと申し出る」という設定の芝居を行う。チンピラ役は松本、親分役は二宮、大野がチャレンジ!▽徳島の悪役メシ食いやがれ大杉の出身地である徳島県には、怖い名前の“悪役メシ”があるという。スタジオに実際にその“悪役メシ”が登場、試食を行う。learn “magic formula of really scary badguy role” from Ren Ohsugi. bad guy meal of Tokushima. Ren Ohsugi gives lecture of “magic formula of really scary badguy role” Arashi challenges acting with setting that “hoodlum talks to boss to leave gang” but Satoshi Ohno as boss talks desperately in a mumbling tone from start to end, Jun Matsumoto as a hoodlum is all agog for holding back his laughter than acting.▽大杉漣から“本当にコワイ悪役の極意”を学ぶ▽“沈黙劇”に挑戦▽大野智が親分役!?▽徳島の“悪役メシ”大杉漣が“本当にコワイ悪役の極意”をレクチャーする。嵐は“怒り”の演技を学ぶため、「チンピラが組を抜けたいと親分に話す」という設定で演技にチャレンジ。だが、親分役の大野智が終始にやけ気味でボソボソとしゃべり、チンピラ役の松本潤は演技よりも笑いをこらえるのに必死になる。
-8/12 Tokyo dome Giant x Yakurt baseball game at Tokyo dome 8/17-19 Giant x Hiroshima only Charity T-shirts.
-9/2 10:00-18:00 Odaiba United States, VS Arashi Dual Curling numbered ticket from 9am.
-8/26 10:00-18:00 Shiohaku, let’s write message for 24h TV
TV Station, front page interview Arashi. serial catch the Arashi, Satoshi Ohno NHK special show.
TV Pia, cover: Arashi24h TV 35, smile shot talk their enthusiasm, serial Arashi in 24 hours TV now! Satoshi Ohno x Iwashia producer cross talk, Satoshi Ohno guide secret of dream land
TV Life cover Arashi, front pages 7 pages special pin up. Satoshi Ohno close up charm of Disney. VS Arashi, Arashi ni Shiyagare, Himitsu no Arashi-chan inside episodes. serial Arashi ni Shiaygare Satoshi Ohno x Kazunari Ninomiya , serial shooting journal of I fly in the sky with wheel chair Kazunari Ninomiya x Hiroko Yakushimaru, Arashi off shot, Arashi &24h TV history.
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. -9/28 Kirin Campaign
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