Today's Tokyo forecast:
UPDATE check also my update
@yamakaze0672 ![](http://picto0.jugem.jp/u/l/t/ultrajuice/df28a81c02deb8ccd8cae6e7140e3e2d.gif)
movie Problem-Solving is after the dinner
web site opened
Oricon single daily ranking date as 6/9 Your Eyes no.1. 24,616 copies. total sales 429,924 copies
Calico cat
staff blog good evening every body. it’s staff D. have you enjoy last night airing. thank you very much for your feedbacks. shooting come to halfway house of final sprint. we are currently shooting.
Bay FM twitter tonight from 10pm. Kazunari Ninomiya Bay Storm, tonight is 499th episode. count down to 500 that you can enjoy both current Nino and past Nino.t that legendary message!? treasury tune!?
Locked Room
staff blog Hello every body. it’s no.2. team Locked room lately shoot ep.10 at Wangan studio. as drama is final phase and climax. however peaceful site has tense. I can feel that Satosi Ohno-san acts role of Enomoto with amazing concentration power. Enomoto-san’s healing at studio seems Kargy. I saw he play with it putting his shoulder or arm. actually this Kargy appears at ep.9. what kind of scene? ust wait until you see it. so on Monday 11. please do your favor to our yellow cute one. the photo is Kargey who is back to home from Enomoto-san’s shoulder
Hitoaki Matsuyama-san (Locked Room) twitter at 22:15 from tomorrow ep.11 starts shooting, finally final episode. 11:15 shooting is starting.
Ryota Yamazato-san (Yama-chan) twitter, I have just tweet “my next after life, I want to be Arashi.” I got many advices such as “this is important to deal with low atmospheric pressure.” but what I want to be not weather Arashi (storm) sorry about my confusing tweet
Mystery of Holmes a calico cat
story of ep.10,
present quiz,
guest of ep.10,
preview footage of ep.10
Orista article ![](http://picto0.jugem.jp/u/l/t/ultrajuice/df28a81c02deb8ccd8cae6e7140e3e2d.gif)
Aya Ohmasa-san yesterday
blog received script book of ep.11. (photo of script book) this past like a flash, will miss Chou Chou. the other day I got many calico cat goods. (photo of goods) don’t miss tonight ep.9
blog current issue of Orista feature interview with Ninomiya-kun asked abtou MV of new tune Your Eyes. “I have played game with Aiba-san during whole waiting time.” but Ninomiya-san sings looking wistful. we asked if you prepared the persona. “this? I think because I have such kind of face naturally. “ what kind of faintness answer. got natural word very Ninomiya-kun. and another impressive scene that water in Ninomiya-kun palms backward play. he talks how this was shot. please check current issue.
Shiyagare cut part by audience. Shooting was 5/1.18:00-20:30 O-chan costume was actually pretty strange as well. M: can you zip up? (zip up only half) S: can you extend his arm to front? and he can’t .and Sho-kun laughed hard. /Nino costume O: look back, amazing. S: there’re too many pockets? what kind of work do you to? O: wonder how many mobile phone you can put there. N: this looks strong somehow. / the part Jun-kun stumbled. he restates after turn back in a bashful manner. / who could be a doting parent among Arashi. comment except O-chan and Nino that aired. “as Sakurai does news, seems he is strict about all. sort of mother obsessed with education” about Jun-kun “like nelly, but as he is so passionate, so I think he’d do everything properly.” / Hawaii H: you know why this come to Hawaii: MC: it’s Higashiyama-san decided it? Arashi: ack. H: as I was asked where I want to go by president. that time I was get into Hawaii so I told “I want to go to Hawaii.” MC: if you are get into Africa, debut press conference could be in Africa. H: could be so./ then sit at seat at set of Hawaii. it sems Nino’s arm position feels comfortable, he reports to O-chan. O-chan laughed. / 6th month daughter dance MJ. H: thank you for your baby gifts. A: towel set from all of Arashi. H: somebody wrote. ‘does your baby got 6 pack?’ (looking at Aiba-chan) A: ack. N: it was Ohno-san. O: but it was Nino who directed to write. N: I actually told you to write. you could not write by your control./ H: actually I won’t tell I’m entertainer to my child. I consider as super business man. if your super business man you work after hours. N: this could too early. H: if shooting delayed this could be work after hours. S: she will find about real identity of Santa Clause was found out. but when she notice, I wonder what kind of face she will do. / S: do you bring my daughter to shooting site? H: I do. already many people held her. Inohara, Beat Takeshi-san, Oh, Arashi still not yet? S: not yet. / totally nelly Jun-kun was 3 times in total. the part Higashi-san is competitive against Arashi. H: as I met him today, I realize. Arashi: ach? H: see, as he become nelly. M: nelly is enough. if you say nelly I won’t say any more. H: but Matsumoto I have been to his play. that time I thought he has trained body, boxing one. N: no no, actually when I becomes Higashiyama-san’s age, I think I can’t keep my body like this!” H: how old Arashi is? A: about 30 years old. S:all 30. H: ack! Arashi become already such age. I thought you are younger such as 25. N: not really. H: but Ohno’s play was amazing. me the play of Ohno, makes me cry. O: yes. I did play./ [Sakurai has a lot of information but I’m competitive.] S: Higashiyama-san know anything, when I was small. H: as I live longer than you. this is the wisdom of age. H: Sakurai caster is amazing. better than other TV station announcer. S: not at all. H: this is really it’s easy to understand (looking at Aiba-chan) A: right. easy to understand. H: announcer and sports commentary are different by TV station, I watch them, and think which one is best. A: who is caster easy to understand and your favorite one. H: after all. it’s Sakurai. H: thank you./ S: who is most fun among Arashi. H: it’s Ohno. early time when he was junior. when I let him say a word at performance. it was so fun. S: do you remember O: I remember the fact I told. at performance each single junior told. S: did you remember it cracked audience up? O: I don’t remember the content I talked. H: he was not Arashi yet. O: right. H: you wanted to quit Arashi. O: I don’t think to quit Arashi.H: but before becoming Arashi, you wanted to quite Johnny’s right? O: yes. N: hey!!, you said “yes" [Ohno’s fine art is amazing, but can be competitive with ceramic art] S: Ohno-san did you do ceramic art ? O: a bit at magazine shooting. H; it’s been about year I started. O: is it the one you spin with your hand. H: with machine. O: that one is difficult isn’t it. H: strength control is hard. [nothing to loose against Ninomiya] N: you lie, as I was last I expected! but Sho-kun try to think laughing. S: do you play game? H: I don’t play game. S: that’s why!/ the part to ask Higashi-san. actually each asked one question. (Nino finds out what to ask, and say to O-chan, O-chan nod laughing) S: what word of proposition, who did it. what kind of situation? H: it was evening with beautiful full moon. it’s me who told “let’s get married.” N: I wonder how do we call your wife. S: you prefer “Nee-san” (older sister) ? kind of. if we see your wife when we are 5. we line a queue “morning, Nee-san” should we stand up from chir and bow? H: Ohno calls her Nee-san. O: right. M: this before marriage. O: right. H: my wife call Ohno as O-chan. H: this could be fine to call her Yoshino-san. N: okay Yoshino-san. M: when you feel you are popular. H: 4 years after debut handling of staffs was completely different. I had 1 day off for a month that time. S: almost for music show? H: dance was different by each music show. at ranking show we have to do different dance./ S: Higashiyama-san who know latest Johnny’s? H: I know until Sexy Zone. the other day I saw Sexy Zone sings and dancing at Music Station. A; after all as Johnny’s talent on TV, you watch it. H: yes, I watch it. oh, but even Yoshimoto comedian appears, I watch it. MC: thank you. all of Yoshimoto comedians, you are watched by Higashiyama-san!! / O-chan’s Johnn-san memory. as he has not changes at all when he buy a clinical thermometer for him. it was found later and he got chewed by Johnny-san later. H: I got 1 million yen. “get buy suite for me” Arashi: ach. H: I bought 200K suits for him, and put 50K yen in my pocket and backed 750K yen as changes. A: laugh. / asking question order was Sho-kun → Aiba-chan → O-chan. as youngest children thought about question while. MC asked who is the rest? Nino pointed Jun-kun and himself. “2 of youngest children.” but as O-chan’s question was not sharp question. he asked in the end again./ MC: as rumor got excited not muscle training!! audience: oh! set turn after rumor H: it seems Sakurai can mimic. so can you turn the set imitation of Macchi-san. S: ack! I can’t! I can’t! Macchi-san?N: good luck. S: ehh, ehh. A: good luck. H: me to I can’t mimic Macchi-san. S:… H: it’s fine. once this over I call Matcchi-san. “Sakurai teased you” S: eh!! S: how can I do it. (he struggled by himself about 3 min) he did mimic in a low voice. no one hears audiences: ehhhh!!!!! that’s why it was cut./ Mascaraed, MC: today I let you to dance this tune perfectly. N: actually me… H: you hurt your legs, right. N: I got torn muscle H: it’s fine. I think about Nino part as well. N: thank you. after watching video: MC: so I let you practice for 30 min. break. audience wait 30 min at studio. and left studio for 15 min for their rehearsal. and Higashi, O,A & N and MC appears to studio.MC: how was it? A: it was difficult. MC: Ohno-san your costume. (o-chan sort of apron was left side however other were right side) O: ah. H: do you change. O:… A:… this is character. O: this is character. music started. actually O-chan danced perfectly but Aiba-chan mistook choreograph a bit. but looks perfect by editing video. / in the end. S: thank you word to Anki, Ohno-san. O: it was first time I dance with you, I was really pleased. thank you very much. S: time is up. today’s guest Noriyuki Higashiyama-san and Takahashi-san of Savannah. thank you. / after 2 left. S: how was it. Aiba-san. A: I was so pleased to dance with Higashiyama-san. S: you don’t have chance to dance next to Higashiyama-san! we are back position. A: right. S: this bring back memory of junior era. nervous but want to be eye-catching. M: right, tight. S: so what king of guest coming next week. please look forward to it. Staf: cut! / when Arashi leave studio. he smiles like an idol and waves his hand hard and back to back room. /
9:30-10:00 Japan count down TTV Arashi AKB48▽嵐▽JUJU
22:00-22:54 Exile kon, TBS announce best 10 looking back master piece of Arashi and others.サザンオールスターズ、Mr.Children、GLAY、DEEN、福山雅治、嵐など男性アーティストによる名曲の数々を振り返りながらBEST10を発表。
Bay Storm Kazunari Ninomiya Bay FM
movie Kaibutsu-kun DVD and BD release memorial exhibition costumes of Kaibutsu-kun and 3 companies, props and panel display at Tower Record Shibuya 1F lounge space
-7/16 10:00-17:00
PHOTO EXHITION 2012 YOKOHAMA Broadcasting Library Event & footage hall (Yokohama information culture center)
Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. new Aiba-chan menthol drops poster at store. -6/3 Hitachi add at JR Shinagawa, JR train channel, -9/28 Kirin Campaign
here &
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