[MOD] Update + Poll results

Mar 20, 2011 19:45

You guys should know the drill by now... and maybe not be so surprised when I tell you that we've had to reset the widget yet again? It's only been 9 whole days since we first officially kicked off this fundraiser, but the current total stands at...

$21,566.51 USD.

If that's not amazing, I don't know what is! And to think my original goal was something like $200 by the end of March...

Onto other happy news: The poll results are out!

As you can see here, Direct Relief International has garnered the majority of community votes and thus will be the charity organization we are donating to on the last day of March as part of our first batch payment. I've already submitted the registration they require from anyone looking to hold a fundraiser and donate money to their organization (you can find it here if you'd like to take a look for yourself). The correspondent from DRI has also looked over our fundraiser and promised a signed subordination letter, which I'm hoping will arrive tomorrow, at which point I will send over to Paypal and get the account unflagged. Like I said, though, it's still functional and donations can still be made at any time, being flagged just means that the account will be under surveillance for the time being, and I will not be able to transfer money to a bank account, close the Paypal account, etc.

Since this fundraiser has grown so much and there are so many links to keep track of, here's a handy list for you guys:

Main Fundraising Post
Fundraising Garage Sale
Fundraiser FAQ
AQR fansubbing releases

!mod post, !fundraiser

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