Arashi Marks 2008 Dream-A-Live in Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome (19th June)

Jun 19, 2008 22:21

Yatta! Second concert day ne???

Well, everything was exactly the same! I forgot to mention that they performed "We Can Make It", ne? Gomene minna san!!!


- Sho kun's cardi/sweater/jacket did not fall off his waist tonight. (was secretly hoping it would happen again! XD)

- Nino's performance is still full of smex. Expected it from Jun, so no surprise there, just severe nosebleeding. XD But Nino.... NINO IS MECHA HAWWWTTTT!!!!! As mentioned before, after he sings the last line of the chorus, he does smexxy gestures which makes ou want to jump onstage and have him take you right there! He would tug at his shirt to reveal a bit of his chest, wipe the sweat around his neck etc.... But the final chorus realy caused a major nosebleed moment. He SUCK his middle finger and slid that finger across his THROAT! My knees literally buckled seeing him doing that. Yep, will definitely dream of naughty things to do with Nino after this.

- Aiba's mobile was a FLOWER!

- Ohno's was also full of smex. OMG, those hand movements when he danced really can make one think up of naughty things to do with/at him.. XDDDD His hands were sliding across the front of his body, barely touching himself... *swoons* Me want to touch OHNO SO MUCH!!!

- OHMIYA SK!!! WAS EFFING AWESOME!!! MORE KISU KISU ACTION!!! THEIR LIPS ACTUALLY TOUCHEDDDDDD!!!!  Before they kissed, they faced each other, kinda close actually, and started adjusting each other's headphone/microphone (???) so that it wouldn't get in the way!!!! *melts* Ohmiya admitted at the end of the concert that they loved each other, their arms around each other while saying this! XDD The crowd went Kyaaaaaa~~~~~~~!!!!!!!

- [EDIT] MC TRANSLATIONS (which I didn't mention coz totally didn't get it! XP) and OHMIYA SK TRANSLATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREDITS TO AATASH!!!!!!!!

- Sho kun being kowai of hanging from the ceiling thingy was totemo kawaii.... *huggles muggles Sho kun in my mind*

- An EXTRA ENCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckyyyyy!!! XDDDD Since it was their last night in Fukuoka, they decided to come out again to thank the fans, and then performed "Hero".... Arashi is so caring of their fans!!! Arashi Rabuuuuu!!!

- Jun and I are totally destined to meet each other. He frequently greeted the fans at my seating section. I tiptoed and waved like crazy!

BTW, I totally converted my Japanese friend into an Arashi fan as I literally dragged her along to accompany me. She has never been to their concert and was surprised to see how many came! (approximately 3000 people) Full House! Omedetou Arashi!

My seat tonight was REALLY close. Last night, I was higher than Arashi (because of my seat's level of seating) Tonight I was lower than them! I really think they saw me when they were moving around on their mobiles because the spotlight will be on me when they pass through. XD They did look pretty surprise as I obviously was a foreign. Heck, I was stared at the entire time, from the time I went to buy the concet goods (the girl behind the cashier made gestures that referred to my looks, while looking at me and back at her friend, so I knew she was talking about me) until the time I reached my friend's car in the parking lot!

Oh well, maybe the cashier girls will mention me to Arashi and I will be invited as a guest in Arashi No Shukudaikun to explain the whole foreign fangirling thing... I will then explain how Arashi has fans all over the world and that they should not take down Arashi videos from video websites like YouTube as those videos are what make them well-known throughout the world, ne? Hmmmm.... *fantasizes about this for a while...*

BTW, just watched Himitsu No Arashi-chan on TV. REAL TV. XD

So tired ne.... Need my beauty sleep minna san.... I miss them already.. Wish there was an Arashi concert every night.

Hmm. I think I'll watch their concert dvd downloads every night to have the same "feel". Wouldn't exactly be the same, but WTH,,,

Spread the Arashi Rabu minna san!


I just saw a MatsuJun AU CM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one with him talking to his Otousan!!! OMG!!!! Arienaitsunoooooooo!

[edit 3 minutes later]
I just saw another MatsuJun AU CM!!!! The one where he hangs upside down like Spiderman!!!! After that there was an Oguri Shun CM promoting Sony Ericsson and AU!! Sugoooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I forgot to mention that during their 'Sayonaras', Sho rapped a bit, AIba did a few backflips, Jun kissed the camera (not sure about this one), Nino performed a simple magic card trip and Ohno??? He did weird cross eyes!!! His eyeballs looked like they had minds of their own!!!  I nearly fell off my seat laughing!!!  XDDD

concert, dream a live

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