121011 Himitsu No Arashi-Chan 2hr SP Guests: Sanma, Suzuki Satomi, Ishikawa Kasumi

Dec 15, 2012 22:01

The scene that we all have been waiting for. and Arashi unite at Sharehouse!
Even the walking-down-the -stairs scene is precious~!

I just love the above scenes. They just like a group of brothers sitting in the living room, talking and eating and having fun (;

This episode has two sets of guest. The first hour is taken by Sanma-san.
I would say I was looking forward to this episode because the other time when I saw Sanma-Arashi interaction at HnA episde (2009.22.10)
It was really like watching a senior with the juniors talking and chatting and joking and having fun.
Sanma was extremely funny then and I throughly enjoyed the episode.

But this time, at this episode, I felt the atmosphere was weird, Sanma was not talking funny stuff and his content was rather dry and most of the time I felt the 5 were just laughing politely.

For this episode, I will recommend the second part of the show,
where the two sportswomen, Olympic swimmer Suzuki Satomi and Olympic table tennis player Ishikawa Kasumi are the guests.
Ok I was bias and I capped so much arashi and so little of the guests themselves ;P

The 3 Musketeers!

They played Tabletennis with Ishikawa Kasumi and (nino got hit on the eye?)

The 5 also asked them about their sports activity and interest.
Of course Arashi asked about their individual rankings in the sportswomens' hearts.

Though the interview content was abit dry and more polite as compared to other guest actresses, but hey!
its all five of them in this segment together! That's the attraction! (;

Plus they played table tennis and ate together.
And that's when you will start imagining yourself as the guest and Arashi as your brothers.. all of you eating meal together xD

I think Aiba looked the best in this episode.
(The screecaps of him in yellow are from Sanma segment and him in grey clothes at the sportswomen segment)

Riida, I think he became tanned (again!)

The highlight of my screencaps. from dekishimeta 's nickname for J : Pouting Jun baby ! :D

His expression when the guest described why J is her ichiban. The last pic is where Jun darling is giving a victory pose (;

I just love the photos with the guest (;

himitsu no arashi-chan, himitsu no arashi-chan: sharehouse

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