JE stars that have made it to Instagram

May 10, 2018 12:55

It's common knowledge that Johnny's Entertainment is known for having many strict rules for its talents, such as a social media ban. But this year they've allowed their talents' pictures online for promotional purposes, and it seems like the social media ban is slipping too. Here are some stars that have bypassed the ban. I will update the post as needed.

It was big news last month when fans saw Yamapi on Will Smith's Instagram. It earned millions of likes and lots of comments asking who the 'hot asian dude' was.

Here's Jaden's groupfie with Yamapi from a different angle.

There's also a video of Yamapi dancing behind Will Smith and Nicki Jam.

Here's that dance again from another angle.

Nino was also spotted on the Instagram page of a program called Aozora.

Nino's also got tons of exposure on Black Pean's official Instagram page. I wonder why Jun doesn't appear much on the 99.9 IG page though.

Disclaimer: None of the images or videos are mine. They belong to the respective uploaders.

instagram, nino, arashi, je, yamapi

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