Spending time

Dec 08, 2008 22:18

Just cause i wanted to post something even if i don't know what...i noticed some interesting tests on the posts of Cinnamonstarr and Zusness XD

1. Name: Benedetta
2. Birthday: 19.11.88
3. Where do you live: S.Daniele, Italy
4: What are you studying/What are you working as: i'm studying at the university...science and multimedial technology
5. What makes you happy: innocent, suddenly things...real happiness is a momentaryand sudden thing XD
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: the last thing that i listened to was 'Only you' from Portishead
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: actually...i'm not good at LJ. I've never been able to keep on a diary, or stuff like that, so i think that my journal is pretty plain...except for the theme!Cinnamonstarr made a beautiful layout!XD
8. An interesting fact about you: When i was nine, i yelled at my father to shut up, saying ' i'm just nine!'
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: sadly..no
10. Favorite place to be: at the seaside..during the winter....or, of course my bed!
11. Favorite lyric: an italian song called 'Il malato di cuore'....the sick of heart, in the sense of the illness.I love it.It can make me cry every time that i listen to it.......the singer wrote it looking at one of the poem of the 'Anthology of spoon river'....and it's so beautiful.
12. Best time of the year: autumn.Not so cold, not hot, and beautifully coloured!
13. Weirdest food you like: I like every kind of food...so it's difficult to say

1. A film: Amarcord -Fellini
2. A book: Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
3. A song: Il malato di cuore - Fabrizio de Andrè
4: A band: The Pulp

1. Favorite Fandom: I don't have one..i'm interested in a lot of fandom
2. OTP/OT3: ...actually, i don't know what does it mean O.O'
3. Icon/Fic Journal (so I can join): ....same here O.O''

1. One thing you like about me: Something i like about Cinnamonstarr....she's fresh.I don't know how to say it.Just...fresh.To call her as a colour, of course, light pink...as a fruit...pink grapefruit...eveything to say that she's fresh ^^
2. Two things you like about yourself: Mmmmh....mmmmh.....i don't know...maybe i still can be fascinated by the fairytales, and  that I'm good with a lot of type of arts.Or at least, i think i'm good. Don't really know if those are good point XD
3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you? Yeah ^^

And after all of this jibberish things...the best good point of me!

You're an evil genius.
Whenever you're around, the sun goes behind a cloud. It's like there's an evil essence in the air, but nobody ever seems to realize you're the cause. You're menacing and manipulative, but you play innocent so well that you always get away with things. Even if people notice the evil glint in your eye, they tend to mistake it for a friendly sparkle. Now that we know the truth about you, we're going to back away without looking directly at you. Please don't hurt us.

...just kidding.

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