Aug 17, 2011 21:08


In other words, porn. Kinky porn.

Anon is on, IP logging is off.

1) Request a pairing / threesome / whatever and a kink
2) No pedophilia, please
3) If you see a request you can answer, do it!
4) Have fun! Pimp this out!
5) This is a ARASHI MEME, so at least one person HAS to be a member of ARASHI. Other Japanese actors/musicians/ ( Read more... )

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Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 4) anonymous August 23 2011, 01:25:08 UTC

Sho did manage to find a job, eventually, as a mailman. However, that was only just after he had been evicted. He stayed at Ohno's for a couple weeks, until he managed to find another place.

During this time, he did not communicate with Nino at all. He simply stopped returning calls and started ignoring texts.

“Isn't that overkill?” Ohno wondered curiously. “What does it matter, now?”

“I'm not a stripper anymore,” Sho pointed out shortly. “Or a whore.”

“Well, no,” Ohno agreed. “But he wasn't even buying you.”

“Technically, he was.”

Ohno just rolled his eyes.

Sho didn't really want to talk about it, not with Ohno or with anyone else. If he had kept seeing Nino, that would have meant they really did fuck not just because of work, and that would entail some kind of diffuse commitment. Or at least a conversation. Something. Sho didn't even want to think about what.

So when Ohno called him a few days later to talk about it, he wasn't exactly pleased.

“I've told you it's nothing,” he insisted.

“Yeah, right,” Ohno huffed. “It's nothing, and that's why your man is back at the club, looking for you?”

“No, I... wait, what?”

“He's here,” Ohno repeated. “And if you don't come here right now, I'm simply gonna give him your new address.”

“No fair,” Sho whined.

“He's threatening to kill me,” Ohno told Sho simply. “I thought you had him under better control.”

“Only in bed,” Sho sighed. “All right, I'm coming.”


Nino was mad.

Or maybe mad was an understatement.

Judging by the way he grabbed Sho by his collar, dragged him outside and pushed him back against the nearest wall, Nino was furious.

“So you're not dead,” he concluded icily, his expression murderous. “Or severely injured, or otherwise unable to handle a phone.”

“I guess,” Sho admitted hesitantly.

“And do you have anything else to say?” Nino spat out.

“I missed you?” Sho ventured, deciding to be honest about that. “A lot?”

Nino laughed. He didn't sound amused.

“Bullshit,” he muttered.

“No, really,” Sho tried again. “I just didn't know what to say, or how.”

“How about, I miss you Nino, let's meet up, same place and same time, as usually? How about that?”

“Well, about that,” Sho begun lightly. “I quit doing that. I don't work here anymore.”

Nino blinked, clearly startled by that.

“Oh,” he said, his deadly grip on Sho's collar loosening slightly. “I see.”

“You do?” Sho wondered, certain that things really weren't that simple.

“Definitely,” Nino confirmed, letting go of Sho completely. “Yeah. I get it.”

“Uh, you do?” Sho repeated, not quite liking the way Nino was suddenly stepping back. “Because I would think that you don't.”

“It's pretty clear, isn't it?” Nino disagreed, his voice strangely calm. “You're a stripper, we have sex, you quit being a stripper, you quit returning my calls. I can tell when I'm not wanted.”

“No,” Sho said immediately, deciding to ignore how it embarrassed him to start admitting things. “That's not true.”

“Oh really,” Nino muttered. “So you didn't return my calls because you still wanted me, is that it?”

“Yes,” Sho confirmed. “Because I'm an idiot.”

“Well, that much is painfully clear.”

“I just thought you wouldn't be up for it anymore,” Sho tried to explain, his voice earnest. “I thought you liked it the way it was, no strings attached.”

“And you stopped returning my calls because you didn't dare to tell me this?” Nino wondered, annoyed. “You quit being a whore, thought I wouldn't like you anymore and started ignoring me? Are you nuts?”

“Technically, I didn't quit,” Sho corrected him awkwardly. “Jun fired me.”

Nino gaped at him.

“Yeah, I know,” Sho sighed. “I was shocked, too.”

“No, not that,” Nino dismissed impatiently. “You're saying Jun runs this place?!”

“... yes,” Sho confirmed, not sure if he was hurt or not by Nino's lack of reaction to his being fired. “He doesn't like strippers who won't sell sex.”

“But you did sell sex,” Nino reminded him, confused.

“Until I met you,” Sho confessed, his gaze dropping.

“I technically bought sex,” Nino reminded him. “Just very cheaply.”

“See, that's what I've been trying to tell people!” Sho groaned, frustrated. “But apparently, 'technically' doesn't count.”


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