Aug 17, 2011 21:08


In other words, porn. Kinky porn.

Anon is on, IP logging is off.

1) Request a pairing / threesome / whatever and a kink
2) No pedophilia, please
3) If you see a request you can answer, do it!
4) Have fun! Pimp this out!
5) This is a ARASHI MEME, so at least one person HAS to be a member of ARASHI. Other Japanese actors/musicians/ ( Read more... )

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Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 1) CONTINUATION anonymous August 23 2011, 01:17:35 UTC
AN: continuation to the story above. Sorry for the humour!!! :)

During his career as a professional sex toy, Sho had been privileged enough to behold a great number of very indecent sights.

He had seen men bending over for other men, going until they were senseless. He had watched leather-clad women take complete control, not stopping until their partner(s) were begging for it. He had stared in awe as Ohno twirled around his pole in complex turns and lifts, moves which clearly should not be possible for any human being to perform.

(Sho secretly thought that Ohno was an alien. Also, Sho put great effort into ignoring the mere notion that perhaps it was he himself who was a bit stiff.)

Yet there was something which he found more sensual than all those other experiences. Something so simple, yet so special. So touching.

The look on Nino's face, the one which he only showed when Sho (slowly) worked him towards the edge of desperation, would never cease to amaze Sho.

Maybe the true appeal of Nino's expression in bed was how fragile Nino appeared during those moments. Trembling, whimpering, coming undone. At all other times, Nino was confident, cocky, always ready with a comeback. When Sho fucked Nino, he fell apart.

Even after all this time, Sho was certain that he would never get enough of seeing Nino so defenceless.

Not that he was at liberty to admit this out loud.

And even if he had been, he would never have dared to.


It had all started out innocently enough. Or at least as innocent as things get when the start takes place in a strip club.

Sho noticed Nino's continuous presence in the club, and in particular right in front of himself, immediately.

“You'd think he'd have bought you already,” Ohno reasoned after Nino's third night. “I bet he'll approach you before the week is out.”

Three weeks later, Nino was still just looking. Except that he never met Sho's eyes.

“He's persistent, you'll have to give him that,” Jun laughed one late evening as they were all changing.

“Wonder what's keeping him,” Ohno mused.

“Maybe he's different, somehow,” Sho guessed vaguely, feeling very confused.

“As long as you don't consider him special, per say,” Jun reminded Sho sternly, his words accompanied with a sharp swatt on Sho's butt. “This is a strip club, not a matchmaking bureau.”

“Of course,” Sho promised.

Even so, Sho couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious man and his puzzling lack of action. He didn't exactly seem shy. On the contrary, he seemed to have a bit of an attitude, at least towards Jun as well as Aiba. Sho soon found himself trying to imagine what it would be like to take control over that confidence, to wipe away that content smirk, to break him down, only to gently cradle what remained.

Still, Sho did remain realistic. Judging by how things were going, it wasn't as if he'd ever get to actually do any of that.



Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 2) anonymous August 23 2011, 01:19:22 UTC

Nino's breath hitched as he groaned, tears finally spilling out over his cheeks.

Sho paused to carefully wipe them away, revelling in how hot and tight Nino felt around him. He had been taking his sweet time, barely moving for a long good while. Nino's restrained erection remained untouched.

“So pretty,” Sho murmured, still caressing Nino's cheek. “All mine.”

Nino seemed to be trying to take deep breaths, his eyes shut tightly. He was clutching onto the sheets desperately.

“Want it?” Sho teased, smirking as Nino nodded eagerly, his eyes flying open. “Oh no, not yet.”

Nino groaned, trying to push against Sho for friction. Sho easily followed his movements, successfully remaining still inside of Nino.

“There, now,” he chided cockily, his hand moving down to pinch Nino's nipple. “Let's not be too hasty.”

“Please,” Nino whimpered then, his voice breaking beautifully. “Sho, please.”

Sho sucked in a breath, not at all unaffected by those words. Or that pleading, desperate look.

“Touch yourself, then,” Sho allowed, licking his lips. “The ring stays where it is.”

Nino somehow looked grateful at that, despite how he hadn't gotten closer to his release. Sho watched as Nino took himself in hand, starting to work up and down. As he saw Nino close his eyes, his head falling back, Sho knew that he himself wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer.

As much as Nino enjoyed his ministrations, Sho loved performing them. He sometimes hated how good this thing they shared was. If he didn't enjoy it so much, he wouldn't let Nino come back again and again.

Not seeing Nino would be much, much better. If Sho could stop this, he wouldn't be in any trouble.

However, as Nino's delicate mouth moaned softly, Sho didn't understand how he could ever stop seeing Nino like this.


Sho's fantasies about the man were turning less and less dirty. Anyone else would probably call them boring. Sho found them intriguing.

In Sho's mind, the cocky stranger was a salaryman.

Or a looser who had just been dumped.

Or a student. A college guy, not that bright, who was about to flunk out. To avoid depression he was using all his savings to entertain himself at the club. A complete and utter failure, a disgrace to his family and a disappointment to the world.

Never before had Sho fantasized about costumers in this non-perverse, somewhat mundane manner.

He just hoped he wasn't acting weirdly, or anything, so that his unusual thoughts would remain unnoticed.

Finally, one late evening when Sho had done his show and was looking to get that extra money, he managed to catch the bloody brat checking him out. Finally, their eyes met by chance.

It had to count as eye-contact, Sho decided, as he leapt from his pole and promptly trotted over to the stranger. Regardless of the man's intention behind the look, Sho was at his limit. He wanted to know, so badly, what this person was like (in bed).

When the man hesitated, Sho didn't. It wasn't like sex with this guy would be about the cash. If money was the problem, Sho would simply do without.

The man's preference for their night surprised Sho. With his confidence, Sho would have expected to be bent over the nearest table and fucked ruthlessly. Yet this man wanted the exact opposite.

Sho would certainly not have been able to turn down any request slipping past those alluring lips, but this one was almost too good to be true. As long as noone found out, it'd be truly perfect. Sho thought he was pretty safe, though. It'd only be a one time thing, quick and discreet. Absolutely nothing to worry about.



Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 3) CONTINUATION anonymous August 23 2011, 01:21:35 UTC

The moment Nino's hand closed around Sho's wrist in a feeble, shaking grip, Sho knew.

Sho gently pulled his own wrist loose, instead taking a steadying hold of Nino's hand. Then he finally moved, starting to push in and out, setting an even pace. He was close after having been inside Nino for so long, and it wasn't long before he pulled off the cock ring, both of them tumbling over that edge.

Limits matter. Sho was well aware of this, both personally and professionally. Any hooker who expected to have any costumers has to know the importance of not going too far, not breaking agreements, not crossing that fine line between rough sex and sexual harassment.

Sho knew Nino's limits well. He also knew Nino's most sensitive spots, his pleading sounds and the way his breath hitched when something felt especially good. All in all, Sho considered himself quite an expert at fucking Nino.

That night, as Nino curled up against Sho and sighed contently, Sho truly felt equally pleased. Doing Nino was always fun.


That first night, Sho was overwhelmed by how good it felt to finally get to fuck the other. Giving him orders, taunting him, humiliating him. Breaking that bitchy surface and coyly toying with the vulnerable person he found underneath. Driving him crazy.

The one time the guy said “no”, Sho obeyed. Subtly, but directly.

Sho was very unsure about seeing the guy again, yet the other turned out to be very persuasive once he had recovered. Persuasive and bitchy. Perhaps it would do him good to be bent over once more.

Once more turned into another night, and then another. Before long, Sho lost count.

“Be careful,” Aiba advised him over a drink (which he had insisted that Sho owed him, for reasons unknown.) “How do you intend to keep it a secret?”

“First of all, you don't tell anyone,” Sho told him sharply. “It'll be fine. He'll stop coming back for me, sooner or later.”

“Looks like later,” Aiba observed. “Sho, are you sure you're okay with this situation? Do you want him to stop coming?”

“I'm fine,” Sho insisted, knowing he would never dare to have that talk with Nino, anyway. “Just don't tell. Don't ever tell Jun about Nino.”


“Sho, what the hell,” Jun greeted him one afternoon.

So much for secrecy.

“I'll stop fucking him, I'll never even speak to him again” Sho replied quickly, knowing lies would be futile. “I promise, Jun. Just, please, let me stay.”

“You damn well won't stop seeing him,” Jun retorted. “Get in the back, let's talk.”

Sho had hoped it would never come to this. It wasn't the first time one of the club's strippers had gotten partial to a customer. He knew what Jun had to do.

Except that Sho and Nino technically weren't anything like that. At all.

“It's not like we're trying to date,” Sho tried to explain. “It's just sex.”

“But the guy doesn't pay you,” Jun countered mercilessly. “Which is not okay, Sho.”

“He pays for the rooms,” Sho admitted. “He can't afford the rest.”

“Why, exactly, did you make that so complicated?” Jun wondered, appearing genuinely surprised. “He's half-buying you?”

“Well, yes.”

“Tough luck,” Jun told him, almost sounding sympathetic. “But you know I can't allow that. You're gonna have to find yourself another job, Sho.”

“But I need this,” Sho tried once more, even though he knew it was futile. “There's nothing else I can do.”

“And I need sexy, single men,” Jun replied resolutely, patting Sho's shoulder. “Not lovestruck idiots. Pack up, will you.”

“That is a problem,” was Ohno's wise comment.

Sho groaned.

“I don't have a job, and I certainly don't have a boyfriend to turn to,” he sighed. “What should I do?”

“Find another job,” Ohno advised calmly. “Or go back to your family?”


“Okay, gotcha. Starve?”

“Okay, I get it,” Sho gave in. “I'll look for a job. I guess I have to.”

“I think this is good, in a way,” Ohno tried to encourage him. “You never truly belonged here, Sho.”

“What, and you do?” Sho questioned, amused.

“Well, I can actually dance,” Ohno replied coolly, smiling.

“Whatever,” Sho muttered sourly.



Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 4) anonymous August 23 2011, 01:25:08 UTC

Sho did manage to find a job, eventually, as a mailman. However, that was only just after he had been evicted. He stayed at Ohno's for a couple weeks, until he managed to find another place.

During this time, he did not communicate with Nino at all. He simply stopped returning calls and started ignoring texts.

“Isn't that overkill?” Ohno wondered curiously. “What does it matter, now?”

“I'm not a stripper anymore,” Sho pointed out shortly. “Or a whore.”

“Well, no,” Ohno agreed. “But he wasn't even buying you.”

“Technically, he was.”

Ohno just rolled his eyes.

Sho didn't really want to talk about it, not with Ohno or with anyone else. If he had kept seeing Nino, that would have meant they really did fuck not just because of work, and that would entail some kind of diffuse commitment. Or at least a conversation. Something. Sho didn't even want to think about what.

So when Ohno called him a few days later to talk about it, he wasn't exactly pleased.

“I've told you it's nothing,” he insisted.

“Yeah, right,” Ohno huffed. “It's nothing, and that's why your man is back at the club, looking for you?”

“No, I... wait, what?”

“He's here,” Ohno repeated. “And if you don't come here right now, I'm simply gonna give him your new address.”

“No fair,” Sho whined.

“He's threatening to kill me,” Ohno told Sho simply. “I thought you had him under better control.”

“Only in bed,” Sho sighed. “All right, I'm coming.”


Nino was mad.

Or maybe mad was an understatement.

Judging by the way he grabbed Sho by his collar, dragged him outside and pushed him back against the nearest wall, Nino was furious.

“So you're not dead,” he concluded icily, his expression murderous. “Or severely injured, or otherwise unable to handle a phone.”

“I guess,” Sho admitted hesitantly.

“And do you have anything else to say?” Nino spat out.

“I missed you?” Sho ventured, deciding to be honest about that. “A lot?”

Nino laughed. He didn't sound amused.

“Bullshit,” he muttered.

“No, really,” Sho tried again. “I just didn't know what to say, or how.”

“How about, I miss you Nino, let's meet up, same place and same time, as usually? How about that?”

“Well, about that,” Sho begun lightly. “I quit doing that. I don't work here anymore.”

Nino blinked, clearly startled by that.

“Oh,” he said, his deadly grip on Sho's collar loosening slightly. “I see.”

“You do?” Sho wondered, certain that things really weren't that simple.

“Definitely,” Nino confirmed, letting go of Sho completely. “Yeah. I get it.”

“Uh, you do?” Sho repeated, not quite liking the way Nino was suddenly stepping back. “Because I would think that you don't.”

“It's pretty clear, isn't it?” Nino disagreed, his voice strangely calm. “You're a stripper, we have sex, you quit being a stripper, you quit returning my calls. I can tell when I'm not wanted.”

“No,” Sho said immediately, deciding to ignore how it embarrassed him to start admitting things. “That's not true.”

“Oh really,” Nino muttered. “So you didn't return my calls because you still wanted me, is that it?”

“Yes,” Sho confirmed. “Because I'm an idiot.”

“Well, that much is painfully clear.”

“I just thought you wouldn't be up for it anymore,” Sho tried to explain, his voice earnest. “I thought you liked it the way it was, no strings attached.”

“And you stopped returning my calls because you didn't dare to tell me this?” Nino wondered, annoyed. “You quit being a whore, thought I wouldn't like you anymore and started ignoring me? Are you nuts?”

“Technically, I didn't quit,” Sho corrected him awkwardly. “Jun fired me.”

Nino gaped at him.

“Yeah, I know,” Sho sighed. “I was shocked, too.”

“No, not that,” Nino dismissed impatiently. “You're saying Jun runs this place?!”

“... yes,” Sho confirmed, not sure if he was hurt or not by Nino's lack of reaction to his being fired. “He doesn't like strippers who won't sell sex.”

“But you did sell sex,” Nino reminded him, confused.

“Until I met you,” Sho confessed, his gaze dropping.

“I technically bought sex,” Nino reminded him. “Just very cheaply.”

“See, that's what I've been trying to tell people!” Sho groaned, frustrated. “But apparently, 'technically' doesn't count.”


Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 5) anonymous August 23 2011, 01:27:49 UTC
“I still don't see how you could be afraid of telling me you're no longer a whore, but still want me,” Nino pointed out. “What did you have to loose?”

“Nothing,” Sho admitted, averting his eyes. “I'm basically a complete and utter failure, a disgrace to my family and a disappointment to the world.”

“Not quite, you're a very good fuck,” Nino corrected him reassuringly, but he still looked puzzled. “But still, why?”

“I figured you'd buy someone else,” Sho told him. “No strings attached.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I'm broke?”

Sho blinked.

“Oh. Right.”

Nino sighed.

“You're truly an idiot,” he said, grabbing Sho's wrist and dragging him away from there. “Come on, my place. Let's go attach some strings.”


Nino looked delectable, spread out on his bed, arms tied to the headrest and legs kept apart by a rope going under the bed.

“I think I've attached these quite well,” Sho was murmuring into his ear, his hand lazily trailing up along Nino's chest. “I like your ideas, Nino.”

Nino groaned, turning his face away from Sho as he tried to take deep breaths. Sho had been touching him softly for a long while, slowly exciting him yet keeping his hands away from Nino's most sensitive areas. Nino had been trying to get Sho's hands where he really wanted them, squirming on the bed and sending Sho those kind of looks, yet so far Sho had ignored all of those attempts. And they both knew what Sho was waiting for.

“We could get this started so much faster,” Sho continued maliciously, dipping down to lick Nino's right nipple briefly, “if you would just tell me what you want, Nino.”

Nino let out a low noise at the back of his throat, arching into Sho's touch yet not saying anything. Not asking for it.

“No?” Sho coed, smirking as he retreated once more. “Then I guess I will have to entertain myself first, don't you think?”

Nino groaned, frustrated, yet the next moment Sho was straddling him. However, Sho didn't even look at Nino's swelling erection. Instead he took hold of himself, slowly moving his hand up and down, angling his legs so that Nino wouldn't be able not to look.

“You know just how I like it,” Sho reminded Nino wickedly, his hand speeding up and rubbing the skin right below the tip. “Fast. Right there.”

Sho kept looking right at Nino as he worked himself, occasionally letting a moan slip past his lips, partly just for show. Nino was trembling underneath him, his eyes fixed on Sho's erection. His mouth was hanging slightly open.

“So close,” Sho murmured after a while, rubbing his dick against Nino's chest just to feel Nino shiver. “Want to finish me?”

Nino sucked in a breath, cursing quietly. Yet he still didn't speak out loud.

“I guess not,” Sho concluded, smirking. “Pity.”

Sho edged forwards as he gave his dick those last few pulls, making sure that his come ended up all over Nino's face. Nino's eyes shut tightly, yet the ropes prevented him from moving away from Sho or covering himself at all. Sho grinned maliciously as he watched Nino peer his eyes open slightly, his tongue darting out to taste it.

“Aren't you a hot mess,” Sho told him huskily, knowingly. “And you can't take it no more. You want it now, don't you?”

Nino looked up at him again, his eyes dazed. He seemed unable to tear his eyes away from Sho's, his breath uneven, mouth slightly open again. Then he swallowed, closed his eyes and nodded. Admitting defeat.

“How, Nino,” Sho questioned tauntingly, leaning in to suck on his collarbone. “Tell me exactly how you want this.”

“Rough,” Nino finally admitted, his voice weak, vulnerable, shaking. “Fast and hard.”


Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART anonymous August 23 2011, 01:29:12 UTC
Sho smirked against that hot skin. He loved making Nino say it, revelled in being able to make Nino admit it out loud again.

“You have to get me ready for it, then,” he decided, moving forwards and pushing his now soft dick towards Nino's lips. “Make me want it.”

Nino was still shaking as he obediently took Sho in his mouth, sucking. Sho closed his eyes, loving how phenomenally excellent Nino had gotten at this, how the other knew exactly what he liked. Before long, he had to pull out, afraid of coming too soon.

“So good,” he told Nino coyly, his hand brushing through Nino's hair, taking a firm grip. “Now, let's get you prepared.”

He slid a finger into Nino's mouth, coating it with saliva. Then he made his way lower, slowly pushing that same finger into Nino's hole. He heard Nino gasp, his breathing hitching beautifully. Sho turned his finger around a couple of times, enjoying Nino's soft whimpering, before pulling out. Once he returned with two fingers, they were slicked with lube.

“You're so eager for it,” Sho told him gleefully, smirking as Nino pushed back against his fingers. “So tense, desperate. You want it?”

“Yes,” Nino breathed out shakily, and Sho could hear that his beautiful tears weren't far away. “Fuck yes.”

Sho finally pulled out his fingers, getting himself a condom. Then he positioned himself, entering Nino. He set a low pace, keeping at it despite how Nino's legs wrapped around his waist encouragingly. It wasn't until Nino groaned deeply that Sho sped up, pounding into Nino at just the right angle. Nino came shortly after that, Sho's name slipping over his lips as the orgasm shook his body. Sho didn't last long, either, coming inside of Nino and collapsing on top of him.

Sho didn't stay laying there for long. He swiftly got up, freeing Nino from his binds and fetching some napkins to clean them. Then he pulled the covers over them, snuggling closer to his exhausted partner.

They laid silent for a while. Then Nino turned to face him.

“No strings attached is not a literal expression,” he pointed out, not looking upset at all. “Just so you know.”

“Gotcha,” Sho replied, his arms sneaking around Nino's waist. “I'll make sure to forget that before tomorrow morning.”

Nino chuckled, relaxing into his embrace.




Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART nino4ever August 23 2011, 05:20:05 UTC
Don't know how to say at all because it is too good to have any comment XDDDD Sho's really an idiot, he thought Nino didn't want him anymore if he wasn't a stripper, he even didn't remember that Nino was broke, so cute XDDDDDDD
[“You're truly an idiot,” he said, grabbing Sho's wrist and dragging him away from there. “Come on, my place. Let's go attach some strings.”] I couldn't hold myself to laugh when I read this sentence, Nino's very honest sometimes hehe
Thanks for your writing ^^
P.S: I wonder if you are an author I know? Your writing and idea are good, this can't be the first time you write fic ne~~ Can I ask what who you are? Sakumiya bias too? Maybe from now on, I will stalk your lj :P Please write some more Sakumiya fic if you have time and idea ^o^


Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART faiee August 23 2011, 07:11:18 UTC
This is super good, and super hot and boy am I glad there was a continuation where they got a happy ending ♥!



Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART anonymous August 23 2011, 21:16:15 UTC
Yay~ nice continuation of a nice fic <3 Thank you for writing!


Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART usermmt August 23 2011, 22:06:03 UTC
Yay you did it <33
This couldn't be better ^^

“Well, I can actually dance,” Ohno replied coolly, smiling. lool oh-chan...


Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART anonymous August 24 2011, 02:41:37 UTC
Yesssss sequel you are amazing!! What a great fic <3 This really made me laugh! Ohno "can actually dance," and Nino WAS buying sex, just very cheaply! XD
Lol you're awesome. And not to be creepy, but I'm almost 99% sure I know who you are...I think you're one of my favorite fic writers...or maybe I'm just imagining it because this is so great! Thanks for sharing : )


Re: Apparently, 'technically' doesn't count (PART 6) FINAL PART anonymous August 25 2011, 11:35:25 UTC
This is amazing---! I'm so glad you wrote this kind of sequel thing, it was a lot of fun to read, and damn hot. ;D

Thank you for all your efforts, anon!!


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