May 06, 2006 13:42
So they will receive their Host to-day.
I am saddened and yet I am not. The little one would not have been a bad Pendragon, and Rome must not be allowed to think that she rules us again, but we are better with a breeding Queen, whose grip upon her lands is firm, rooted in the soil and the stone and bound in her blood, her belly alive with the proof of her flight.
But I had looked forward to having them here with me.
How Salazar would laugh, if he were alive!
But if he were alive, he would have reason to laugh.
I outlived him. I am further away than Avalon now, and may speak to my children only in dreams, but my trees still bear fruit and our pet survives and all my descendants know who they are.
Who is revenged now, Salazar?
I told you I would never marry you.