Gawd, it's been a while--

Feb 14, 2007 00:09

I swear, I update more regularly than this. I do.

So, today, I will rant on the subject of writerly imagination. Or lack thereof.

Exhibit A: You Could Make It Up.

This is a wonderful two page essay by a writer I'd never heard of named Lynne Truss. In it, she admits to not researching her fictional works. Not simply 'only googling the big ( Read more... )

writing, misc.

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arantzain February 14 2007, 23:54:31 UTC
Hello, and welcome! I'm really glad you liked. ^^

"The little_details lj can serve both a good and detrimental function for writers. I would resist using it in most cases. I think over-fixation on details is actually not a good thing for particularly young writers who need to feel unfettered with their imaginations and not obsess over those little details."

The point about younger writers is really relevant, rather frightening (honestly) and not something I had yet considered.

I don't know what would have happened to my writing if at an early age I had encountered people who insisted at every turn that "that's not how it is." I think I would have been terribly discouraged, and I'd probably be a good deal less happy than I am now, because I would have given up as profitless a long time ago.

"Stylistically I am pretty obsessed with realism in dialogue; I work hard to capture each character's voice and to try to make dialogue as naturalistic as possible."

I entirely agree! *laughs* I think sometimes I like writing the dialogue far more than all the description that attends it --heh. If scriptwriting didn't seem so thankless. . .

Glad you found it of interest! Hopefully I'll see more of you in the future.



militsa February 15 2007, 03:17:15 UTC
Oh, and I LOVE Mucha too. Love! I'd like to friend you if that's okay? I really like your postings on writing and I wouldn't want to miss anything.


arantzain February 15 2007, 06:02:30 UTC
I would dearly love that --I'd like to friend you back as well, if you don't mind?

I wish I could take credit for the layout, but it's sutlers genius.

Don't tell her I said that. *facepalm*




militsa February 15 2007, 14:51:25 UTC
Of course, please do!!


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