Weekend: the Recaping; Writing Update

Oct 04, 2009 23:47

First it was Squeamos's birthday, then Myreitha came home to visit this weekend. There was a Renfest and lots of pets and turkey legs and a lady with a fiddle and--

in consequence, I got less writing done than I meant to get done, although we have another letter in the mail to Kwynnsar, which is an accomplishment near and dear to my heart, quite as good as finishing a chapter. (Often also as long as finishing a chapter . . .)

For now, it'll have to be enough that I walked the dog until we both couldn't walk straight. *stagger*

Fortunately, Myreitha is an excellent friend and let me babble worldbuilding/characterization things at her this evening, so I'm not as behind as I could be. I'll post my summary of the world history in another post tomorrow, and then explain how each of the characters I've projected fits into the schema of ethnicities, families and classes. This will be an all-day undertaking, I know.

There was also a booksale, where I purchased a ream of maps for the upcoming Rome '28 and Strasbourg '54 campaigns. I still haven't found a map of Strasbourg that I can pin up and properly mutilate. I'll take suggestions, if anyone has them.

Finally, I found plenty of French-language resources, which pleased me: I need to locate one CD via Ebay, and perhaps will still ask for Rosetta Stone for Christmas, but I'm keeping up with my goal at freerice.com (1000 grains of rice a day, to practice French vocabulary) and I realize I remember far more of the language than I thought from my long-ago classes. I may try to take French at the university this spring--we'll see.

Off for now, to work on tomorrow's megapost!

turkey legs, prhistory, friends, real life, myreitha, prprogress, parricide's road

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