Tell me, what have you sown/have you prospered and grown?

Sep 20, 2007 10:17

Or, a list of small victories.

1) I had an idea for a novel today, or at least a collection of short stories, which I suspect would be quite delightful. And would not be my usual pile of fantasy suck. In fact, it would be rather Dorothy Parker-esque. Saleable? Probably not. Fun to write? Sure enough.
Conclusion: Nice to feel that I'm not a one-story wonder anymore.

2) My shoulders hit my chair before my spine, and I wasn't thinking about it.
Conclusion: There's something to be said for daily application and attention.

3) I did all right on my Greek quiz.
Conclusion: Falling asleep at midnight last night might have been a good thing after all.

4) I only had "Suicidal" stuck in my head for ten minutes this morning.
Conclusion: Find a new radio station to wake me up.

5) I walked to school.
Conclusion: Other people ruin the view, but that's okay, because I made it in fifteen minutes.

6) My pants don't fit.
Conclusion: TMI, I'm sure.

Still not sure what I'm eating for lunch.


small victories, misc.

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