(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 23:14

Evidently a friend of a friend has leukemia and needs bone marrow. I'm considering donating. But ... several things ... bone marrow stem cell stuff is ... something I largely don't understand. I know enough not to be scared of it, but that's about it. And I do know that it's one of the most involved and painful nonsurgical donations out there. It sounds kinda cheap to put my excersice regimen ahead of a woman's life, but ... I do want to think of my own welfare. Also she's Eastern European but they didn't specify if she's Slavic, Germanic, Finnish, or nomad crazy person like me. Western Europeans are pretty genetically boring, but Eastern Europeans are all over the place and while I may be Eastern European this means ... mostly nothing.

So I asked. Evidently Eastern Europeans are in short supply. Which is weird. Because we killed all you Western Europeans. Stop having sex dammit. But they didn't specify. First thing I learned growing up is that I'm not Slavic. I'm so not Slavic that I have more in common genetically, linguistically, and culturally with Koreans than I do with Russians. Thus, if she's Slavic the chance that she and I will match is virtually nil. But they want me to check. Which ... I'm mostly fine with, except it's a pull on my time and is probably for naught. The other E. Europeans have a little more in common, but Hungarians are way out in left field. I'm not kidding about that Korea connection. There are shared words and grammar points. So I'm expecting to go in get tested and get back a little note that "thank you but we can't connect you to Whatsername, but you are a match for this little Japanese kid. Wanna give to him?" And everyone will be very confused. Although confusion again is nothing next to someone's life.

But dammit, I'm established half-Asian over here. This very likely will not work. And ... they're all excited that they got my E. European self up in the house but ... I'm probably going to dissappoint them. Guys I'm sorry. There's a reason a foamy latte makes me bloated and farty. And that I get all red and hilarious when I drink. It's because I'm a stealth Asian.

Also, if I do match her and she's not Hungarian ... my grandmother will KILL me. Well ... no. My grandmother will only kill me for helping someone out if that someone turns out to be Russian. So basically, if she turns out to be Russian and I turn out to be a match firstly I'm not telling my grandmother and secondly if she finds out that woman is going to magically become Croatian and/or Polish. It has been decided. No offense to the Russians out there ... I've got Russian friends. Really I do. But y'all did torture my grandfather and chase my family out of the country they protected and the next country they took asylum in under threat of horrific prolonged death. And shot at them. In a minefield. When they had a small child with them. So you can understand how while I'm okay with y'all my grandmother might yet be suspicious of your motives.

Basically ... I've got to find a time to go get tested to see if I match but ... I'm irritated on the lack of information.
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