Jan 27, 2006 10:17
Finally back to lectures...
It's crap, I got no-one even comparable to some of the people I got last semester. This one is gonna be very boring methinks. Thank god for my DS though, I think it's going to be some good company from here on out.
Still recovering from the GA mosh meet on wednesday. I love these people ^^ Yet more discussion of Man-Kai forms and the like to keep me entertained along with plenty of the booze! Catty was great afterwards but my neck still hurts, times like these I either need a bath or a really good hooker >.>
Back playing homeworld two again too, Battlestar Galactica put me in the mood for some big-ship exploding hyper space action!
And alas, now begin the woes of flat hunting ; ; I hate being a student sometimes tbh.