Keep counting

Aug 21, 2010 01:11

So, I was just thinking about something.
Did you know that, on avarage, humans have over 100 000 hairs on their head? And that everyday you loose around 60 of them (and new grow)?

Now what I was thinking was about Jesus' words that "even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30). That is, even at the first glance, a big thing, especially considering the great number of hairs, and I have always liked that thought that God cares so much about me that He even bother to count my hairs. And now I finally come to what thought I had yesterday: Since we loose many hairs every single day and new grow out, to keep the right number, God must either re-count everyday, or keep close watch.
And I like that thought I had, that this illustration can both mean that God cares a lot about us, and also that he keeps caring every day.

Seriously long hair!


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