Layout Help/Instructions

Jun 03, 2006 22:05

Instructions & Rules for installing TG layouts: VERY IMPORTANT! READ ME!

First things first: make sure you have a website listed in your userinfo. If you don't, nothing will work, and this is all pointless XD ;P

1. Download all the files. Save the Style Sheet in the same format I have it in - CSS - it is *very* important you save it that way or it might not work. Save the image files by right-click, save-as .png's, just like I've uploaded them.
2. Upload all style sheets to your own server.
I suggest GEOCITIES for the .CSS documents, and someplace like IMAGESHACK for any image files.
3. You will need to change the header image link in the codes. It's pretty simple, so don't worry!

-At the bottom of the codes, in the .CSS doc, look for the part that looks like this, and simply change the part I've bolded to your image link!

.headerimage {
position: relative;
width: 665px; /* Width of the banner, in pixels */
height: 270px; /* Height of the banner, in pixels */
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 0px; /* Space between bottom of image and outer box of style */
background-image: url("YOURIMAGEGOESHERE"); /* Header image URL */
background-repeat: no-repeat;

-Make sure you leave the " " in there, and don't change anything else or it won't show up.

4. Okay! Hopefully you're still following me! Moving on: Go to Manage Journal - Customize Settings and make sure your journal is set to the S2 Style and Flexible Squares. Then go to the Custom Settings part and click on the Custom CSS tab. Make sure it's set to YES. Copy the url of the style sheet's location (it probably looks something like this - and paste it into the little blank entry box-thing right under that. Click save, and everything should be working!

....Okay, hopefully you followed all that. I hope it wasn't too confusing! If it was, The Big FAQ Page by starlingsby100 here might be of more help to you! It probably makes more sense :p

....If you're still having problems getting it to work though, feel free to ask me questions here or at the order-deliveries post in hh_flourish and I'll be happy to help you out!

EDIT: I gave a more detailed explanation of some of the steps here. If that helps, yay!

the-salem-wish, hih-related, layout-help

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