Korea vs. Bosnia Herzegovina

May 27, 2006 18:29

Sorry, going through my pictures, editing them, and getting them together took much longer than I thought. It took nearly all day (between eating, folding clothes, washing, cleaning windows, and watching news)!

I bring you Korea vs. Bosnia Herzegovina, 2006 May 26, from arandomstuden't point of view.

(click the picture to see a bigger version)
Ta-Da! This is the Sang-Am World Cup Stadium! It was one of ten stadiums built especially for 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup. Back then, 2002 World Cup started here, but this time it's just a "friendly" match. "Friendly" alright... the only difference from regular match is that they don't bother to go into overtime if the game ends in a tie. There are a lot of these "friendly" matches before World Cup starts.

Today's card-section is 다시 한번 하나되는 대한민국. Roughly, it means 'the Great Republic of Korea becoming one once again.' Card section is something like making a big mosaic, by making people hold up a big piece of "card" that becomes a "section" of a big picture. You can see the video card-section. (link) Warning, this stuff is loud! XD

Oh! Look. Football players have come out to do a little warm-up.

아, 이렇게 가까우니 선수들 코털이라도 보일듯한 기분이군요. 기분만. (사실은 상당히 멀다.)

Meanwhile, I ate dinner.

A row of kimbab! With four pieces of radish, two links of sample-sized sausages, and a mini tomato!

Sandwich! With smoked ham, cheese, lettuce, and mayonnaise!

... okay, back to the main story.

Then everyone went back in so everyone could come back out again. It sounds kind of stupid, but I guess they like to make things...picturesque. I mean, those little kids are cute, aren't they? I wonder how many times they had to practice for this.

The starters of each team were briefly introduced (bench members were mentioned in 1.5 seconds), there was the national anthem of Bosnia Herzegovina, and then there was the national anthem of Korea. The huge flag went up!

(The little yellow people are traditional Korean marching band. They're cool.)
We (mom, dad, and I) were sitting in the "boring" section between the media and royal section. No flags or card-section for me...

Our Proud Sons of Korea facing the flag (not the big one...the one on the screen) as they sing the national anthem. Then they shook hands with important people.

If anybody asks you if you know any Korean football player, say you like Lee, Chun-Soo. He's cute, he's good, and best of all, you can tell him apart easily by his hair, which he always bleaches gray/yellow. (He says he did it so his mom can spot him easily on the field.)

Game start! Red Devils made quite a presence in the stadium throughout the game.

What is Red Devils? Red Devils, officially, is a group of supporters who wear red and cheer for Korean team in national-level games, especially football games. I am a Red Devil too, from time to time~

The hardcore Red Devils buy seats in one end of the stadium so they can cheer together with drums and flags and everything. (They have a lot of fun.)

This is new 2006 Red Devil T-shirt. It is "official" and has the Korea Football Association mark on its left. The material is sporty, and is produced by Basic House. If you want to be a Red Devil, though, any red shirt will do.

This is an unofficial Red Devils bandanna. The phrase, "Be the Reds!" was used in 2002.

This is a Red Devil towel. I don't know if it's official, but it has the new phrase, "Reds, Go Together" on it. You can wear it around your neck, or wrap it around your head, or swing it around (try not to hit other people) and stuff. You can also use it like you would normally use a towel (although it's a little narrow).

Well, not much happened in the first half. It was a good game, though, and I was too busy to take pictures. Even if I tried, I was just too far from the ground for my small camera.

At half-time, there was retirement ceremony for Yoo, Sang-Chul, who was a soccer player and one of the scorers in 2002 World Cup.

For some reason, Dad doesn't like this guy.

Anyway! The second half started. Then 5 minutes into the game, Sul, Gi-Hyun scored a point for Korea. It was really cool. And the Red Devils cheered like... like they won a lottery. A multimillion dollar one.
Then, with 5 minutes left in the game, Jo, Je-Jin scored a second point for Korea. It was a clean shot. It was a good game. We won 2:0. We all got so excited, even some of the old people in the boring section stood up and cheered.

After the game, there was a ceremony for sending away our beloved Korean football team to have more "friendly" football games overseas before the World Cup starts in Germany. The players and all the coaches walked around the field with the national flag, and Red Devils flew "wishing airplanes" at them.
I sure wish we'll get to have as much fun as we did in 2002!


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