[P.E.] 2009 NCP Update & Hear no evil....

Dec 15, 2008 20:04

Posted Elsewhere at chuunin [ LINK]

No news today, either.
But on my part I'm done with making the wall calendar and the desk calendar (both the 2-month and 3-month version, just in case). I spell-checked them, too. I've now only the wallpaper version to work on, to make the whole thing much quicker to put together when I get all the fan-arts.

The fan-art today uses the phrase, "Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil" plus a twist.
This popular phrase, when I see it in English-speaking culture, presents itself like a piece of wisdom, a code of conduct, often demonstrated by three "wise" monkeys. Something you could teach to little children, even, like "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

But a similar saying in Korean is used in a much different way:
"귀머거리 3년이요 벙어리 3년이라"
조금 풀이해서 -> 누가 무어라고 해도 입 딱 함봉하고 벙어리 3년, 들어도 못 들은 척 귀머거리 3년, 보아도 못 본척 봉사 3년 해서 9년을 그렇게 살면 너는 좋은 며누리가 될 것이라...

3 years of muteness, 3 years of deafness, and 3 years of blindness, will make you a good daughter-in-law (then the hardships of a woman living with her in-laws are done).

It must be understood it is tradition (for some hundred years, anyway) for the wedded couple to live with the man's side of the family. A married woman is considered to not belong to her parents' family anymore, as expressed in the saying 출가외인 (stranger once outside the house) and the tradition of visiting only the man's side of the family (and not the woman's) with gifts after the wedding.

Let me put things this way: imagine yourself the newlywed bride, away from your home and family and everything you loved for the first time, possibly never to see them again; now having to live with a man who may or may not love you, and perhaps might not even have seen you before the wedding day; living the life of a domestic slave for your husband and his parents who may or may not accept you, and will certainly nag at you, and maybe even spite you; desparately needing to fit into this new scene, for the lack of anywhere else to run to; and therefore, turning a deaf ear to anything bad you hear from or about the in-laws, that you might not hate you more; turning a blind eye to anything bad they do, that you might not be a sore in their eye; not speaking a single word without obedience, that they might not consider you a pest. Nine years of that, then you are throughly domesticated.

It is these cruel practices of paternalistic culture I hate.

naruto_fanart, posted_at_chuunin, naruto_2009_calendar_project, culture

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