Aug 22, 2012 00:07
I have NEVER seen them all work together like this before. Ever. LegoMuse is excited because it originated as a story about him, and now it may at some point be legally publishable. ThrandyMuse is happy because LegoMuse is happy. (It doesn't take much. Please his son or give him a new berry crown and he's happier than a Hobbiton Harvest). It took me a while to figure the Feanster out, but I think he thinks that if I get published and quit my job, I can work on his stories. Which is not necesarily true, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. And MorgothMuse is just happy that nobody is poking him with a sword or shooting arrows into his butt.
Yes, these are my muses. And, as the great Dr. Seuss said, "That's the kind of house I live in and I hope I never leave it."
Kudos if you can name the book.
TTFN! It's (finally) time for bed.