last week's escapism

May 07, 2007 02:13

es·cap·ism (ĭ-skā'pĭz'əm) - noun
the avoidance of reality by absorption of the mind in entertainment or in an imaginative situation, activity, etc.

Rushed as fast as I could afterwork to Blitz - to watch Sunshine with Lucie and Ajeng. Cillian Murphy = must-watch. Cillian Murphy + Danny Boyle + Alex Garland = must-watch-no-matter-what! Got there 15 minutes late and drenched in sweat, huhu. Luckily, I had only missed about one or two minutes of the film. First impression of it: God, Cillian looked as lovely as ever! <3 Overall, I thought it was a really good film, I like it. Visuals were amazing, this is the kind of film to see in a theater's big screen. And it was entertaining because it really gave us the chill, especially the second half of it - where us three constantly covered our eyes and yelped, hehe. There were things about the ending that I thought were absurd, [SPOILER!] especially Pinbacker's existence, which I thought kinda ruined the whole story. But I still do like the film. I would get the DVD when it's out.
Just before bed, impulsively grabbed Pride and Prejudice from my DVD stack. Had it for quite some time (I'm a Jane Austen fan) but never had the mood to watch it. I liiiiike it!! It's lovely and subtle and actually left me feeling waffy. I think I've underestimated Keira Knightley before - I liked her in this film. And Matthew MacFadyen as Mr. Darcy was dreamy.. :3
The brand-spankin' new Studio XXI in PS was open this day. Went there during lunch hour just to see the new place, but ended up buying ticket to see Spiderman 3 in the evening, hee hee. Out of 10 studios, 5 were screening Spiderman 3 ^_^;
So, thoughts on the film? Umm... I was disappointed. I dunno, I thought it was draggy, it didn't need to be two and a half hours long, many scenes could be cut out without effecting the story line. And the scenes where Peter suddenly turned all flirty and confident, especially the suddenly-musical scene in the bar - were just out of place. I thought Spiderman 1 was okay and Spiderman 2 was great, but I really have to say Spiderman 3 didn't impress me. The special effects were cool though, and it was nice to see Venom; I loved that character (back in high school, there was a time when I became quite a fan of Spiderman series, and Venom was my favorite). What made it worse was that during the screening, the film stopped three times and left the audience boo-ing. Should've asked for a refund! :[
Um, nothing today.
Afterwork: Kom gathering! It's been so long, you guys! Only about 10 people showed up but it was fun as usual. Catching up on each other's news, talking about dreary jobs and marriage plans and having kids (omg XD) and gossiping and laughing until 9 in the evening.
Friday night fun part two: clubbing in X2! Ajeng got 10 free passes but in the end there were only seven of us. But it was quite a change from the usual Paket4 formation! Ok, so, the club. X2 lives up to its reputation - it was grand and crowded; got there just about midnight and there were already so many people packed inside. We had to squeeze ourselves all the way to the front of the DJ booth to get some space. Spent some times switching from the main area to Equinox (the R&B area - which was so full and hot and humid), and finally settled in Vintage, the loungy area which played some classic disco tunes. There weren't too many people dancing when we got there, but as dawn was closing in, and the DJ put on some classic dance anthems (or more like, gay bar anthems, hahahah), more and more folks got down and just had some fun. The music here were great (and singalongable! XD) and the room wasn't too packed, we had such great fun and danced and goofed around until they turned the lights on ^^;; ,br>After that, as usual went to a nearby 24-hour joint (no, not McDo, this time, 'twas Cafe Ohlala), slept a little, ate and drink a little, chat a lot, waiting for the sun to come. It was a superfun night! :D
So yeah, got home around 9. Caught some sleep, and woke up after midday to... go to the office and check some things (blarggghh). Then went to PI and bought ticket for Nouvelle Vague! So whatever happens, I'm going to see them next week! ^o^ Ensuite, went to Blitz with sis, as I promised to treat her to watch Paris, Je t'aime. Blitz was jam-packed with people; it was their grand opening night and the first weekend of Spiderman 3. I thought there wouldn't be so many people watching Paris, but turned out that the cinema was quite full.
So... Paris, Je T'aime... j'aime ce film!!! I like some segments more than the others, but all in all, I can safely say I love the film. My favorites are (in no particular order): Bastille (the one about a husband whose wife is dying; love the story and how it's told- so subtle and heartfelt), Parc Monceau (the one by Alfonso Cuarón, with Nick Nolte and Ludivine Sagnier; love how it's shot in one single shot, from a long shot to a close up, and how the conversation initially leads the viewer to believe something entirely different), and Père-Lachaise (the one directed by Wes Craven, with Emily Mortimer and Rufus Sewell; love the colour, the cute argument between the couple, and well... Oscar Wilde!! ;D) But I could easily watch the film multiple times just to see the Gaspard segment alone (Le Marais by Gus Van Sant; hellooo Elias McConnel - never thought 'd see you in another film!)
Sleeeeeeeeeeeppp... like, all day. Oh bliss.
Went to see Dini in the hospital in the afternoon, she just gave birth to a cute baby boy! So happy for her :)
And in the evening, the last episode of Project Runway 2... huhuhu... no more diversion for the next depressing Sunday nights :( Ho well. I can just sleep early :p
And so, another bleak weekdays? Bring it on!

films, irl, weekends

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