Fat TonyPeople Iced:Twenty NineCar Bombs Planted:ThirteenFavorite WeaponShotgunArms Broken:ThirteenEyes Gouged:TwoTongues Cut Off:ElevenBiggest Enemy:Charlie Lucky
Get Your HITMAN Name And as a side note....
Why is it that when women are asked if you want them to come over and telling them that your breaking plans cause you would rather be with them, and they say "No go out with your friends," do they get all moody and depressive because you do? I asked THRRE times and then someone sounded all depressed after I did what I was told!!! Women can be frustrating.
And don't gimme that crap about "But thats her being a woman" or "Thats her saying to come over." You want that? Fucking tell me! Is that REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK?