Dearest and most fabulous of authors,
Firstly, THANK YOU! Thank you for volunteering to write a story.
I deliberately didn't add a lot of details to any of my requests because I wanted to leave you as much room as possible to do whatever you think best.
That being said, there are some things that are guaranteed to make me deliriously happy:
1) Female characters! Ladies in charge are one of my most favourite things.
2) Friendship and loyalty.
3) Happy endings.
4) Character-centric stories.
Request one: Temeraire:
I would love to see Iskierka growing up into the fiery, charismatic leader that she could be. I love canon!Iskierka but I'd really like to see her all grown up and how she'd adapt to the more modern world.
Really, I would like to know more about any of the female characters as the time goes on.
Request two: Norse Religion:
Sigyrn is one of my favourite characters despite there being very little about her in the stories I know. Anyting more about her - what made her into the wife and choices that brought her into it.
Request three:Young Avengers
I would like something earlier in their career - before all the revelations happen when they're first starting to get a sense of what they're stepping into and they're passing the point of no return. I am fascinated by the first meshing together of the team.
Request four: Lord Peter Whimsey
Harriet Vane is a character that fascinates me. I love everything about her career and how she comes to be married to Lord Peter. I would like anything about how she started out, what sort of compromises she had to make to keep her writing career while joining the nobility.
Thank you again and I can't wait to read whichever story you write.
♥ ♥
Originally posted
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