Back in the Groove

Aug 19, 2013 14:50

So there's an attempt being made by people to try blogging every day for a month to try reviving DW/LJ as a place for people to have conversations and reconnect.

I mean, I have a tumblr but tumblr is a more visual platform.  To communicate on tumblr, you need art - yours or other people's - and you can't really have a conversation that doesn't fill up your page.  So, back to the old blogging platform.

Right, as some of you (hi Sam! ^^;;;) know, I haven't been online that much and I've been fairly unsocial when I am.  This is once more a case of 'it's not you, it's me'.  My mental health is still in a state of slow collapse.  The frustrating thing about the NHS is that while the resources exist, knowing how to access them takes both luck and a certain amount of bloodymindedness.  Luck is outside my control, bloody minded is just about possible but the trick of being depressed is that mustering the energy to stand your ground is impossible.  Thanks to BBH, I'm at least objecting when medication turns me from 'passive-suicidal' to 'actively-planning-suicide.

As for the rest, getting anything started this month has been impossible.  So I am busily writing my to-do list for the month ahead - things that I NEED to do:

* Get back to the violin and re-evaluate what I need to learn in light of this article.
* Get my exams out of the way.
* Dedicate at least a couple of hours a week to arting.
* Look into the classes available in the gym and consider what I want to set as my fitness goal.

Everything else is a nice-to-have but we'll see how I manage.

Originally posted here Please comment there using OpenID.
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