First off, I have to say that as a location for a gothic gig, Voodoo could not have been designed better. It's an old building near the Four Courts, on the quays with properly gloomy lighting, dark red walls and a HUGE gothic fireplace off to one side. There are paintings of Aztec iconography, plastic and plaster skulls behind the bar and lots of dark corners.
It's the perfect moody setting and it's the perfect enviroment for a gig like that.
Self and
deannawol arrived around quarter-to/eight o'clock to discover that there was a DJ and very, very loud music being played. We browsed the merchandise, admired the outfits of the other patrons and waited as paitently as possible for the concert to start. We saw what looked like Rogue hanging around before hand.
omegar arrived later and was tired.
The actual concert I can't describe properly because the energy and charge was unbelievable and absolutely addictive. It's been less than an hour and already what I remember are the snapshot moments.
* Rogue getting off stage in the middle of a song, stopping to let a fan take a photo of them together (TWICE!).
* Rogue getting off stage, going back to the bar to get a barstool, bringing it back to the middle of what was practically a mosh-pit and getting up on to sing and dance with the crowd with.
* The backup singers/dancers' performance: they had a tiny tiny stage to work with and they did brilliantly in it.
* Rogue doing an impromptu Irish spin with a member of the audience, again during a song and still singing along perfectly.
omegar migrating from the bar to the dance floor and having a blast with us.
* Rogue telling us about how well the band is doing : "We're No. 7 in the US Billboard Charts and we're No. 1 on the US Billboard Dance Charts. To give you some idea of how cool that is, number two is Beyonce. Number three is Madonna and number four is Nine Inch Nails. Admittedly number five is Paris Hilton but number one is Cruxshadows!"
* Rogue's sales pitch "I hear that it can be hard to get our CDs here, so we've got merchandise out there. Y'know, just saying."
* The way the whole band (with the exception of the lovely lady on the absolutely kickass violin) hung around afterwards to sign stuff.
Cost of the evening:
Pay-at-the-door-entrance-fee: €11
Slice of nice Pizza from on-site restaurant: €3
Coke at the bar: €2
Dreamcypher (new album): €15
Bracelet: €3
T-shirt: €22
The best concert experience imaginable: PRICELESS!