
Mar 03, 2007 18:04

So, I have the bestest friends ever ( Read more... )

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KH2: Saix/Axel - High Point - R aramuin March 5 2007, 00:51:54 UTC
The first time they fight is in the City itself.

Perhaps Saix could have ended it there, called the other surviving members to join the hunt and hounded VIII through the streets until his flames were quenched. He allows himself time to speculate on the matter whenever his duties permit.

VIII is not, by Saix's recollection, attractive. Too slim, too young and too quick to speak and move. He is not ...restful. The other Nobodies possess the deep tranquility of the unchanging Dark and Saix draws comfort from the shadows he sees in their eyes.

Axel alone rails against the Dark, a single spitting flame alone in this twilight existence.

Perhaps it is curiosity that guides Saix's hand as he turns the killing blow a hairsbreadth from the pale neck. Axel tries to rise, to reach for his weapons even as the surviving Assassins fling themselves despairingly against the grim grey line of his Berserkers. Saix pins him with a boot against his chest, not yet applying enough pressure to cause true damage.

Green eyes watch and even now, Axel smirks up at him and Saix is drawn by the flash of what looks almost like fear in his eyes.

The play of emotion, so long lost as to be forgotten, awakes a kind of madness in him. He tears aside the coat, the boots and gloves, his own gloves harsh and dark against pale skin. Axel fights with the flickering consistency of a naked flame, flaring into desperate life then falling lax under his hands.

When it is over, Saix feels languid and almost disappointed. Then Axel kicks out one of his kneecaps and vanishes through a portal before Saix can recover sufficiently to follow.

Oddly enough, his pulse quickens at the thought of the new hunt they are embarked on and he wonders absently how low a flame can be forced before it is extinguished forever. Perhaps he will learn...


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