Since I've only put up fic and/or fandom stuff here lately, I feel I've earnt a self-indulgent post.
I'm pretty much neutral at the moment; some things are going well, others really aren't and my mood depends on which I'm dwelling on at the moment.
I'm still not employed - this'd be the major bad.
I'm doing a portfolio course which I adore and is making me a better artist - this'd be the major good.
Add in the stresses and busy-ness of the 'holiday' season, and I'm not seeing as much of my friends as I'd like and it's kinda depressing me.
Also - while I love my sister and I'm really happy that she has a boyfriend she likes and wants to get on with - I'm sick of wandering into the main living room (AKA compy room) and finding them sprawled all over each other. GET A ROOM ALREADY!
Also, I have discovered how one gains motivation to walk home from town rather than take the bus.
Ara: *attempts to use her ticket in handy dandy machine!* =D
Machine: ...I don't like you. No-one appreciates me! WAAAAH! *coughs and dies* X_x
Ara: D= *offers ticket to driver?*
Driver: -____- *Mummblegrunt...STABBY STABBY STABBY ticket!*
Ara: O_____O *imagines the levels of homicide that could be achieved using a double-decker bus. Resolves to walk home in future.*