
Apr 20, 2006 00:40

There is an open night tomorrow/today.

*Cue uber-spazout!*

Distract meeeeee? Reuqest something from me?

Rules are:

1. Fandom I know - KKM, FMA, LotR...hell, I'll try HP if you're willing to risk it.

2. PLEASE don't try to to shatter my brain.

3. Four request limit.

4. Ara reserves the right to fanart instead of drabble.


fanfic, challenges

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OMGMChat - Als, Rad & IC!Gun - The Impression that I get - PG aramuin April 20 2006, 00:20:15 UTC
Gunter hesistated in the archway, fingers fretting at the book in his hands. The human sitting in the gardens turned his head to look up, body tensing. He saw Gunter and relaxed, smiling.

"von-Christ-kyo." He attempted a half-bow, wincing as not yet healed scars pulled.

"Oh! Oh no!" Gunter hurried forward to fuss over the human. "You needn't strain yourself." He steadied the man (trying not to notice the open shirt and bandaged chest). "Where is your....?"

He hesitated, not sure which word to apply to the human's double/lover/brother. Thankfully, the human understands and smiles. "He was getting upset so Hokka-Weller-kyo took him to go gardening for a bit." The smile fades a little. "I-I wasn't being good company."

Gunter stands just long enough to see the other human's shirt being tossed out from behind the foliage and hears a very audible moan. Cheeks flaming, he drops to sit beside the human from this world. Unfortunately, he doesn't think even the Mighty Book of Etiquette and Decorumtm covers how to politely commiserate with someone who's lover is being obviously unfaithful. Particularly when you have a certain 'interest' in said lover yourself.

The human shakes his head and rolls so he's lying on his stomach. "It's all right, von Christ kyo. Really. On my father's sword."

Gunter shuffled around, cheeks still burning. "But-but you ...and he...and my double...."

Alford smiles - not the childish charm of his double but an open, affectionate expression all the same. "That's just the way Nibai is, Von Christ-kyo. He tries to hold on to everyone he loves and he doesn't see it as being a bad thing." Another shrug-wince. "Maybe it isn't?"

Gunter fiddled with his book and blushed and stammered until Alford finally got him talking about Yuuri-heika. Gunter was so engrossed in his subject that he never noticed Hokka Conrad switching Alfords with him halfway through.

And so everyone was happy.


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Re: OMGMChat - Als, Rad & IC!Gun - The Impression that I get - PG aramuin April 22 2006, 18:01:29 UTC
Glad you liked it hon.

The Alfords switching was a flourish that I didn't expect at all but them humans are sneeeeeeeeeeaky.


Re: OMGMChat - Als, Rad & IC!Gun - The Impression that I get - PG maeritrae April 20 2006, 11:36:29 UTC
*so very, very dead* ♥


Re: OMGMChat - Als, Rad & IC!Gun - The Impression that I get - PG aramuin April 22 2006, 18:01:56 UTC



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OMGMChat - Als - Morning Tide - PG aramuin May 5 2006, 21:47:47 UTC
The sun was just coming up when Hokka-Alford woke. It was the fourth day of the week and that meant that Hokka-Gunter was helping out with the paperwork which in turn means that his double will be on his own for the day. Conrad - the Conrad who is not from this world and so has become oddly 'his' Conrad - is planning to meet them later but the morning is all Alford's.

He raps on the door and finds his sandy-eyed double tangled up in the blankets that are still warm from the lavender-haired Mazoku who must have just left. Alford is good at judging things like this and he and the Mazoku were still working through the dynamics of sharing his double's time between them.

He had plans, lots of them involving breakfast, visiting the healers and walking in the gardens but the sight of his mostly asleep double drowsing in the dim gold light makes all of that seem just a little less urgent and Alford pulls off his boots and slides into bed. His double drapes a warm arm across him and mumbles contentedly.

Alford wraps his own arms around his double and smiles as he closes his eyes.

Five more minutes....


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Re: OMGMChat - Als - Morning Tide - PG aramuin May 6 2006, 21:52:39 UTC
*Gets Double a coffee*

Thank you, hon.


OMGMChat - AlRad - Tension release - 15 aramuin May 6 2006, 22:55:47 UTC
The human was laughing softly as Rad dragged him around the shrubbery. The half-breed clapped a hand over his mouth and hissed. "Shuuuuusssh! Don't let him hear you."

Alford was still bright-eyed and even Rad couldn't keep angry with him. He was still adjusting to having two humans, more or less perpetually there. And adjusting to the differences. Alford was less inclined to talk though he had his moments. He didn't need the same level and type of reassurance as Al.

With Alford, it's okay to slip up sometimes. He doesn't have to keep Wolfy away, doesn't have to spend his time juggling the various demands on his affections.

And, Rad's breath catches, Alford is a surprisingly assertive lover with a truly talented tongue...


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